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I first want to apologize for not getting on here to be part of the discussions except for when I need to post a question. My days are so wrapped up with teaching and then working full time, that sometimes I don't get a chance to breathe. Now to my question.


I have used Abeka math always. I love it!! This year my son is in ninth and I couldn't believe the lack of examples given and the fact that there was nothing that was old material but it was all completely brand new. As a person who loves math, this is great, but for a ninth grader this is overwhelming. I am looking into seeing if next year, for Geometry, if I should switch to a different curriculum for math. What are your views on Abeka Geometry or can you recommend a different curriculum to use for only math that is not online?


I appreciate all of your help and will respond as soon as I possibly can!

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We found this too, but with BJU. Used it all through but the upper level math the program breaks down. We looked at Abeka for the upper levels and saw similar problems. What we tried:

Art of Problem Solving - love this program, the Intro to Algebra is actually Algebra 1 and 2 mixed together. Sadly my son did not like it. It is a different learning style then he liked. The present some problems and the student tries to figure them our based on past knowledge. The the lesson takes place and shows new ways to solve problems and advances the student. I love how the student needs to keep things fresh in their heads. I am actually going through the book and am learning Algebra in a whole new way. Very eye opening.

Teaching Textbooks - I was hesitant in using this program, but my son is excelling AND loving math (he despised it before). I know you asked for curricula not online...technically this is not. You have cds . It also comes with a textbook that you can use instead and an answer key but there are no "written solutions" . The cd's have a lesson, practice problems, actual problems, hints and solutions. Since we switched my son gets his math done without complaint

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The reason(s) I prefer not to use an online course is because my son has enough online time at his father's house and because I really can't afford it. I like the hands on experience of working with my kids. It is great that you are able to delve into this along with your son. I love that about home schooling! I enjoy that I am learning more and more every year. When I just looked at Teaching Textbooks, I must say I loved the directions that they give. They seem to be clear and concise. From what I can tell, you get the answers to the problem but as you said no solution key, am I right? I think I would have to evaluate the necessity of the solution key. This would have really been a great curriculum to use prior to 9th grade because of the detail. Prior to 9th, I remembered every step by step that was needed. Now with Abeka, I need the solution key because they give so few directions that at times I have to study the problems before even teaching it to my son.


Thank you for this idea!!

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