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Which Oak Meadow for 5 yr old?


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So, this year my son asked to do school, was teaching himself to read, and begging for workbooks. We started doing MFW K, and it was so gentle and fun and I loved it. He also wanted to add in HWOT pre K, Singapore Essentials and ETC. He wanted to keep up with his brothers. He got really burnt out and has stopped doing school this year. I feel so bad, but I was just trying to keep up with his lead and he would throw huge fits if he couldn't do everything. He's 4 now, he'll be 5 in April.


My original plan was to combine Ds1 (who will be in second, 7 yrs old) and DS2 in Sonlights core K. But I've decided to put him in Core B and do something else with Ds2. He's very gentle and sweet, so I was thinking of doing oak meadow. I'm curious about a few different curriculums (WP, MP, HOD, OM) and thought this might be a nice way to see a different curriculum.


My question is, which package should I get for him in OM? I remember a few years ago when I looked that it was a grade level below? But when I looked at the online samples they looked kinda similar. I think that OM would be a good way to incorporate the fun hands on things Sonlight is missing (I can let DS tag along for those things) while still being gentle. DS is STOKED on the birdhouse making.


What do you think? Is there something else I should do instead?I dont like to push kids in K, really. But he is just a really intense kid.

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DD can read very well, but we're still doing the Oak Meadow Kindy stories. They really are wonderful stories... great crafts...etc. The stories are just very healing...and there's very much a Waldorf theory that you don't rush things as far as the stories go. We just read and do other things on our own more at her level. Not sure if we'll go to Oak Meadow First Grade or not. Right now, I've sort of cobbled together a Waldorf-inspired Third Grade for my eldest...and I'm enjoying mixing traditional with not-so-traditional Waldorf elements. :)


I found my Oak Meadow Kindy used, which helps. A lot harder to give it a try when it's full price.

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