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February Financial Accountability Week 3 (2/15-2/21)


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I am debating giving up this month, but think I will try to keep it a no spend rest of the month with the 26th as an exception, but only if I stick to a fairly strict list.


I bought 10 reams of paper before 8 am this morning. I also bought a few things yesterday for school use in the fall. (Movies as Literature, Wordsmith Apprentice, Recordkeeping for Christian Stewardship, and the Old World Europe set by Fran Rutherford.)


On the plus side, the bills are paid and most of the things purchased were on my list from this winter awaiting our tax return money


Okay, I didn't buy Movies as Literature or Wordsmith Apprentice...I just THOUGHT I had. How sad is that? Now I am re-debating whether I really need to get them or not...probably not, right?

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During January I was so good about keeping track of what we spent. February brought with it the beginning of school, scouts, etc. & I knew we would have lots of expenses that come with this time of year. When you factor in the fact we ate mostly from the pantry/garden/freezer in January I anticipated a big grocery bill as well. So far I know we've gone over what I hoped to spend on groceries & eating out. By how much I have no idea as life gat busy again & keeping track just became all too much. On the positive side, I have worked 6 days so far & have 3 more days on the books for the next couple weeks. Last year I wasn't called in to teach until the last day of term 1, so getting these early days has a snowball effect on getting me more work. The more work I get, the more money we have to pay bills. But the more I work, the less time I have to keep up with cooking, etc. & it becomes way too easy to run through drive-thru. I'm going to aim to spend as little as possible this last week of the month & use some of my weekend getting a workable plan for March, so that I can cut out fastfood, etc. & still stay sane. On a very positive point, I was able to swap ds#2's too small school blazer with a friend who needed a tiny blazer, but had a blazer just the right size for ds#2. Instead of it costing us ~$200 for a new blazer, it just cost us $13.50 to get the 2nd hand one drycleaned!

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