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Pre-Algebra, Algebra frustrations and umbrella school


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My dd is in 8th grade. Many people in our area take Algebra 1 in 8th grade. We started out with Derek Owens Algebra, but it was too hard for me to help her using his curriculum,(his curriculum is great, but it just didn't work for her) so we switched to MUS Algebra 1 and she is doing the work, but it is slow and she needs lots of help. I have wondered if I should consider this pre-algebra and then do Algebra 1 in 9th grade, using a more rigorous curriculum.


Meanwhile, we switched to a new umbrella school this year and I am regretting it. They are so pretentious and condescending. I've been frustrated with them all year. It is difficult to get questions answered and they frequently say things like, "DO NOT call our office and ask.....(fill in the blank)....we do not have time to answer those questions right now." or "DO NOT ask questions that are in the newsletters, we will not answer them."




After I turned in my grades for 1st semester, I got an email from the office saying that they wanted to make sure I was aware that Algebra 1 in 8th grade would only count as an elective and she would still have to take 4 years of math in high school. Well, I did know that, but I thought that halfway through the year was a terrible time to finally get around to letting me know. What if I did NOT know that? Some of the laws for TN have changed recently concerning high school requirements, and it would not be unusual for someone to NOT know about the changes.


Well, I have already been regretting having my dd in Algebra 1, she is doing good work but she needs so much time to finish that I doubt she will be ready for geometry in the fall. She is a perfectionist and that slows her down.


Put those things together, and I decided to let the school know that I'd like to change the course to Pre-Algebra. I told my dh, "I will probably just get a snarky email from them about this."


Today I received this: "... we will leave this decision as a matter of conscience on your part as to what math to submit for (your daughter) for this year. If you would like to change it, we will need an updated grade report form reflecting this. .."


What do you think this means? I have always homeschooled, we have worked faithfully and dilligently, I know my children and what they need, the stupid math doesn't count anyway, and I feel like the path we are heading toward will hurt her in the future. But I am at a loss as to what they mean by "matter of conscience"


Do they mean that I shouldn't consider it Alg 1 if she will need to do more Algebra 1 next year? or that I should have done pre-algebra from the start? or that I am doing something less than honorable?


If they weren't so (witchy with a B) all the time, I wouldn't think they meant that I was trying to do something shady. But I think they might have been taking a jab at my scruples.


What say the hive? I am feeling upset about it.

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A student is not done any favors by being placed in a math course she is not ready for. Math can not be rushed. You are taking advantage of the freedom homeschooling affords you to place your DD in the appropriate level math course mid-year, an option you might not have in public school, even if it were desirable.

You are doing the right thing. Ignore them.

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