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Food Companies Exploit Americans with Ingredients Banned in Other Countries


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We refuse to eat processed food. Even my teenagers have not had fast food. I really wouldn't know if it is more expensive to buy fresh food, because that is all we have ever bought.


If we were to ever make Mac and cheese, not only would we make the noodles from fresh eggs and flour, but we would also use cheese that we made from the milk from our cows and goats.


We eat very, very slow food here.


I see the conflict as time versus quality rather than cost versus quality.


If food with additives and preservatives was no longer available in the US, people might be more healthy, but they would also spend more time cooking.


It is also my belief that real food satisfies. Whe spent 10 days staying on a farmers market street in Paris. I could not believe how little we ate. A few bites of raw cheese with tomatoes and olives was enough for a meal. And of course, we did so much more walking.


Growing and cooking fresh food together can also fill an emotional and social need. Children can be included in every step, and grow up not understanding that some people just don't know how to cook.


I need to get off of my soap box, and off of my phone so I can take Miss Bossy out to plant more beets and kale.

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