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Tell me about Excellence in Writing


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If you love or hate IEW, please tell me about it. Last year we started using U.S. History Based Writing Lessons and only completed half of it. I love the IEW catalog and I like the idea of the themes they have etc., but I am not convinced it is the way for us to go. It sometimes seems a convoluted way to go about writing.


Please share your experiences with me. Also, if there is a writing program you just love, that isn't IEW, tell me about it.

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We have used IEW for three years (Medieval, Bible-Based, and Logic-Based writing lessons). My kids have blossomed in their confidence in writing and have internalized the primary lessons of IEW -- namely, the use of a varied sentence structure and rich diction. At times, my uber-creative DD7th chafes against the check-list, but it was a god-send for my DS8th who loved to know when was "finished." Personally, I have noticed that my DD fills notebooks with stories of her own devising which are not assignments from me. IEW is unparalled for introducting different types of format writing and after a few years, with the lessons of structure and style internalized, I would think any student could move on to another program with ease. IEW makes it easy on me (harried!) and allows me to evalute the substance of their writing with a Light Touch (focussing instead on structure and style).

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First, I want to link you up to a great thread currently active over on the General board. Some experienced users are talking about some of the strengths of IEW over there (as well as using it before or with WWS). Perhaps if you ask there you'll get some additional helpful answers from those who've used it extensively.


Also, I would suggest using the Teaching Writing Structure & Style DVD set (teaches you how to teach it) or the appropriate-level Student Writing Intensive with the Structure & Style Overview DVD, or at least the Structure & Style Overview DVD by itself (can be purchased on the website for $10), before doing any (or, in your case, doing any more) of the theme sets. You'll get the most out of the program that way. I know the theme sets are cheaper, but the actual program can be really wonderful if it is a good fit for your DC, and I consider it money very well spent. Writing is so important. I'll skimp on other subjects to get the best writing curriculum I can find. :001_smile:

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The themed programs are not meant to be used without the instructor being familiar with the IEW method. Some people have used them that way, however, they are not getting the full benefit of the program and they will have gaps in knowledge. If you've never been exposed to this method of teaching writing, yes, the theme books are going to seem confusing and convoluted.


If you are interested in what it is all about then you have two options: purchase the TWSS and go through the teacher training material, OR purchase the Overview dvd and just get your feet wet. IEW has an exceptional, unconditional money back gaurantee. If you keep the TWSS to watch it several times and mull it over for a YEAR and decide it won't work for your student, send it back for a full refund...no questions asked. I'm not saying it will take you a year to figure it out, but using that as an example of how generous they are with their commitment to customer service. They do not want you to have to pay for a program that you can't use or doesn't work for your student.


Now, if you have a natural writer on your hands who simply needs a little guidance in structure, experience with different types of writing, and how to best choose and order content, then this probably isn't a good program for you. This program is best for writing phobic dc, those who simply can't figure out what to write, get stuck on pulling out relative information, are very juvenile in their sentence structure, think writing is a long, drawn out, painful process akin to having bamboo stuck under their fingernails...you know, the kind of writer A LOT of us have. ;)


The strength of this isn't in it's teaching of what to write about. It's good at teaching a quick and easy outlining technique (in order to come up with something to write about), putting that info into a basic format\structure, and, this is where it really helps some dc to pop out of their writing shell, building a set of stylistic skills.


I don't think this program (TWSS\SWI\SWCC) should be the only program used 3rd through 12th. It is a method to teach your kids at one point in their writing education. Some dc may use it earlier than others; some dc may use it for longer than others, but I believe students should graduate from it once the stylistic techniques become second nature to them and they can determine when to use them and when to not use them.

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