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Tablet class pre-alg (Derek, maybe)

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If you do Tablet Class pre-alg or care to check it out, can you please tell me if it seems on level? My ds14 has had trouble all year grasping Alg concepts, but this seems advanced? I guess I was thinking there would be more of a gentle intro to Alg and a lot of solidifying decimals, percents, fractions, etc. We are having to break lessons down into 2 parts, taking almost a month for a chapter so he can grasp it. Ive never seen ds struggle with any comprehension of any subject so this is throwing me off. We've also tried TT and KB this year, unsuccessfully. My next step might be MUS or Jacobs?


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Hi Stephanie,


Yes, we are doing TabletClass and I can confirm that it is rigorous. The author takes a sooner is better approach I think which 'introduces' many algebraic concepts earlier on. Personally, I like this and prefer for ds11 to struggle a bit more now at this earlier stage. By the time he finishes this class I know he will be very well prepared for any Algebra 1 course. It is definately more challenging than MUS Pre-A which we started with. The overall course provides more breadth and depth than most Pre-A programs I think. But there are others like this as well including AoPS which is actually a bit more challenging I think. We have supplimented with AoPS and Khan when hitting more difficult material to present things from another perspective and solidify concepts. That really does help. The other thing we do is *slow down* when its obviously more difficult subject matter. Its ok to change pace as you go. As a general rule we try to do two example sets per day and we're over half way through now. I would recommend slowing down and supplimenting when things get harder, linear equations being one such area.


If you have any more specific questions I would be happy to try to answer them. At this stage I recommend working through the material vs. switching again. He is going to have to learn the same things no matter which program he's in. Easier now with MUS, TT, etc... just means harder later when he gets into Algebra. Some struggling is ok, necessary in fact. It actually develops his ability to persevere with harder problems and more difficult concepts.


Hope this helps some,

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Derek, once again, thank you. I was thumbing through my Jacob's Algebra and noticed how the concepts ds is doing now arent introduced until the latter part of the book. So I felt a bit relieved thinking maybe it's not so much that ds CAN't understand, but that TC is a bit more rigorous than the average text. So our slowing down didn't bother me as much. We started TC in Sept and we're just now getting to the Slope. Some lessons we work days on, even if it's just a couple of problems. Today we watched Kahn, did the TC lesson, then we only did one of the problems. He told me it was so much info at once (which I completely agreed). But he did the problem correctly, felt good about it, so we called it a day. We will start the same lesson back on Monday and finish the example sets.


I think my main concern is that by the fall he wont be ready for Alg. I mean, I'm counting on us to be complete with TC by the fall. I guess I'm living with the fear that I'm going to fail him in math and by SAT time he will have been made a big dummy by his mom. Lol...the fears of home schoolers.


So knowing all you've said, I'm hoping that by the time we ease into Algebra much of this will be review and his brain will be ready for it.


Your ds11 is doing this pre-alg? I am totally impressed and REALLY feel inadequate now! Lol! As for Algebra, what are your plans for that? Continue with TC?

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Stephanie, I'm glad to help. I think your ds in right on track - slow and steady wins the race! Just let him know 'its ok' when he hits something hard and really works at getting it. Reassure him that he is doing 'Real Algebra' now and that's why it is so hard! But his hard work will definately pay off when next year rolls around and he's already seen 80-90% of these concepts in his Algebra 1 course. Its a 'better early than late' approach to mental suffering/struggling. He's building up his cognitive muscles and it hurts and that's great. :D


Show him his current TC course in comparison to Algebra 1 TC and he'll see all that he is learning right now: http://www.tabletcla...es/algebra.aspx


While ds11 is naturally good at math I think, he's no genius either. He has to work very hard to move ahead. TabletClass has really challenged him this year like no other. I see him struggling and trying harder than he ever has before, bringing his 'A' game to the math table. And that's all can I really ask of him or any program for that matter. We both like TC and will probably continue with it into Algebra1. But Algebra 1 is also where I plan to slow things down for him. Since he is young I am considering two years of Algebra 1 starting with TC and continuing with AoPS, Dolciani or Foerster. I want his Algebra skills to be rock solid before moving into other higher level courses. If he works extra hard now I think the other classes will follow more easily later since they all build upon these algebraic concepts. ;)

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Derek, I've looked at the YouTube videos which work through the problem sets so I think I get that. But where and how does your son practice his own problems? Is there a built in worksheet generator or online worksheet?



Are you meaning worksheets for TC or Kahn Academy?


TC has the example sets and at the end of the chapter there is a practice lesson.

There are no "worksheets" that go with Kahn that I know of....although that would be nice!

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I posted this another thread for those who are interested. John Zimmerman, the author, created a new Demo site where you can try it out. See below.


Hi Derek,


We removed the free trial but we will be adding a free demo- the link is below. Also I gave you a link to a homeschool blog I’m creating with all TabletClass lesson videos- this will be my main focus going forward to help homeschoolers everywhere please feel free to pass the link on. My blog is not quite finished but is does have all the lesson videos posted and gives anyone interested in TabletClass a great first look at what the courses offer.


All the best!







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Are you meaning worksheets for TC or Kahn Academy?


TC has the example sets and at the end of the chapter there is a practice lesson.

There are no "worksheets" that go with Kahn that I know of....although that would be nice!




Khan actually does have problems which your dc can work online. I'm not sure you are aware of these. But they have been especially helpful when we wanted to really focus on a certain area more like linear equations for example:



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Khan actually does have problems which your dc can work online. I'm not sure you are aware of these. But they have been especially helpful when we wanted to really focus on a certain area more like linear equations for example:




Oh yeah? Then I must've looked right past them! Thank you for the info. On a side note, ds got all of his graphing inequalities correct today! Woot!

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Oh yeah? Then I must've looked right past them! Thank you for the info. On a side note, ds got all of his graphing inequalities correct today! Woot!



That's great to hear Stephanie! It sounds like he's really digging in and working through the new and challenging concepts.

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DS did Problem Set C in the demo--the one associated with two variable equations and he really enjoyed them, and commented how "the teacher really explains everything step by step". I said "What? I don't do tthat?" LOL And he said "Well, mostly I just read the textbook to figure things out..." :glare: Here I thought he enjoyed doing it independently......Hmmm, maybe just independent of ME!

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