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Classical Conversations Foundations and then exit?


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Is it beneficial to join CC for foundations and then exit (or not join) the program for the next level? My dd will be in 1st in the fall and we went to an open house today. We both really enjoyed our time there today, but I'm not interested {at this time} in the level after foundations. So, would it be worth it to join CC for these few years and then do our own thing again after foundations is over for her age group?

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Absolutely. Frankly though, given the age of your children, I'd just take it as it is without planning too far ahead. I always thought we'd do CC to the very end, but we're going a different direction for high school. And I still don't regret our years with Foundations/Essentials and some Challenge levels.

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Absolutely. Frankly though, given the age of your children, I'd just take it as it is without planning too far ahead. I always thought we'd do CC to the very end, but we're going a different direction for high school. And I still don't regret our years with Foundations/Essentials and some Challenge levels.



Thank you! That's my plan for now...let's just see where this goes! :)

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We are about 2/3 of the way through our 2nd year homeschooling. I am busily writing a new future plan, having completely scrapped the pre-HSing, and after 1 yr HSing plans. :) A plan is great for figuring out where you want to go, but don't feel too tied to it. As your kids grow and learn, you have to figure out how to get them to the end goal, and the plan has to flex to get you there.


As for CC, we did it last year and this year, and will continue, b/c at this point in life it is moving us in the direction of our end goals. I don't know if we will continue into the upper levels, but the memory work from there has really enhanced our at-home studies. My kids are SO much more interested in the things that they have already learned a little something about, and retain a lot more about subjects that they have hit first at CC. I also really like that they do science experiments & art projects there, b/c those are the first things I avoid when we are pressed for time! :)


So I would say, yes, it is worth doing in lower levels even if you don't plan to continue long-term. (That assumes that you like/get along with the other moms & enjoy being there. If you don't enjoy the company, I can see how it could quickly become a dreaded thing.)

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I would just take it one year at a time. We are in our first year of doing Foundations and are enjoying it. I've run across several families that have done it 3-4 years and felt like they were done and didn't want to do it anymore. I know some will do the 3 year cycle and stop. It's hard to say if we'll want to do the whole cycle over or not. My 8 yo twins are doing it this year and next year I'm planning to add my 6 yo who hasn't done it at all and is attending school this year.


We actually started at the Challenge level. Last year my oldest dd did Challenge A and had the best year. It's not really what I had planned on for high school but she really enjoys it and my 12 yo started this year and both want to continue next year. For them it really fulfills the social need and they enjoy one day a week in a classroom environment. I have no idea if my younger kids will do Challenge or not.

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This is exactly our plan. My oldest is in his 3rd year of CC Foundations, and it will be his last. I plan to have my younger son go through each cycle once as well, but I'm waiting until he's older so we get the most out of our investment of time and money. I've seen huge benefits in my oldest through his participation, but I just don't feel like the other levels of the program will be the right fit for him.

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