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Hello all! What a wonderful community to have found! I wish I had found it at the beginning of the year, when we were just starting Tapestry of Grace, but better late than never :-)

I am homeschooling my 6 y.o. dd (1st grade), with my 3.5 y.o. ds and 1 y.o. ds to follow. We are currently doing Tapestry, but will be switching to something else next year because ToG isn't working that well for us at the lower grammar level.

Oh, and I'm a second generation homeschooler. I was also homeschooled, all the way through, and then got a bachelor's degree. I now stay home with my three littles and am so excited that I get to homeschool them all!

Thanks for all the great information so far, can't wait to dig deeper :-)


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