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How do I progress with my daughter?


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I am hoping that someone can help me make sense of where I am at with my just turned (September 2012) 5 year old daughter as I feel like I have hit a bit of a bump in the road!


She has been reading now for the past 3-4 months and is doing very well. I have her read to me everyday with a readers, starting from no. 1 all the way to no. 70, increasing in complexity. She is currently at no. 31 and seems to be finding the reader hard going with at least 2-3 words on the page where she stops and takes a while to decode the work or needs me to help. Am I moving too fast or should I persevere with the readers? Perhaps read it to her first and then get her to read it? Should I perhaps drop down a level with an alternate reader or just give it a rest for now?


Another problem I am having is that I have, in the past few months, discovered the well trained mind book and want to follow the classical education path. I get the feeling that I have left it too late!! I searched for a few lovely classic novels to read to my daughter, Winnie the Pooh and Beatrix potter, and it fell flat!! After the first paragraph, filled with wonderful classical style writing, she lost interest!! I have always read copious amounts of books to her but they have always been picture books with simple wording and she has always run to the sofa to read and insisted i read many books. We go through at least 50 books a week!!


I have even tried classical audio books and that too has not grabbed her interest!! What shall I do!!??


Thanks for reading this and your valuable advice.

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I looked to see if you posted in the new pre k /k board and don't see one. The WTM boards are the right place to post just not the best forum choice.:) Just want to say you haven't left it too long at all for a classical education. Your daughter is really young still. Go at her pace. Both Winnie the Pooh and Beatrix Potter have heavily illustrated single story versions. Check your library. Try one of those. Keep reading what she likes and slowly mix in other stuff. Good luck and give the other forum a try!

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