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Looking for an easy, workbook-based grammar program.


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My son is using Ridgewood Grammar from EPS. I'm satisfied with it. We have tried several things with him, none of which worked very well. He is making progress in Ridgewood.


If I didn't use Ridgewood, I would use the Evan Moor Language Fundamentals workbooks.


We did use Growing with Grammar for a short time. I found it wholly unsatisfactory. The practice exercise were so formulaic that my son didn't have to actually leaning anything; he just learned to recognize the pattern. Also, the language was very simplistic.

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Singapore's "Grammar Skills" is about as "open and go" as you can get, and it's easy. I waited until 2nd grade to start grammar with my daughter, and she flew through the first 2 1/2 books in one year. She has already completed the 2nd half of book 3 (I slowed her down a bit), and now we have changed over to LLATL, JUST for streamlining sake. I still have books 4 - 6, that we'll use on the occasion we are spending a chunk of time in the car and still want to get SOME schooling done because she needs LITTLE help/direction from me.

Gosh this looks good!!  I don't love singapore math though, so I'm wondering how I'd feel about this once I actually had it.  

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