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Elemental Science


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This looks like so much fun and a great way to introduce science. My only concern is WHAT do you use to teach and talk about? I mean yes, the lapbooks with reiterate the lessons and all but for a homeschool newbie I need structure! Is there a list of books or anything to go along with this???

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Regarding ES, it is a wonderful science curriculum. Takes about 15 mins a day is easy. You have a lab once a week that is fun and used household things. The notebook is easy to do, just a sentence of 2 after the days reading which either you write (as your childs scribe) or they write *I would write down what my dd said and then she copied it in her notebook). Also you will have an ongoing project for the subject being covered. Easy. This is the science that will get done.

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The books are necessary. We don't use the lapbooks but they look great. We did biology last year and are using ESA this year. We read, notebook and are done. I rarely have gotten to the experiments this year but we did for biology. I decided I am not going to stress myself up and just save all the unfinished experiments for summer...

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The books they recommend are great and can usually be found at Amazon used for very little. If you have books in your home library that is similar use them, as long as they contain the same topics then it will work (although the plant book ES recommends is wonderful). We did not use the lapbppk but the notebook, but you will need these books for the lapbook or books similar.. You could purchase just the books needed for the unit you are studying at the time to help spread the cost over the year.

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