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dental whine


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I just went through a broken crown, broke the temporary and THEN the darn thing came *off* over christmas weekend when no one was there - used a temp dental cement you can buy in the drug store (rec'd by a friend whose sil is a dentist). on the 26th, the dentist checked it and since it was secure, he opted to leave it until he installed the permanent crown. - then I realized I was having an allergic reaction to the temp cement. I started popping benadryl. (eugenol. what is eugenol? I'm apparently allergic to it so I threw it out. It did have a warning on the package to not use if you're allergic to the stuff.) at least about the time my throat was starting to close when I was awake (4 days later, you're supposed to see your dentist within 48 hours), and I realized it was an allergic reaction, my permanent crown had come in and they got me in that day. we got the temp stuff out of my mouth. I saw my dr the next day and she put me on a steriod I just finished taking.


NOW, I've broken another tooth/popped a filling. seriously, is my mouth that bad? I threw out the stuff I'm allergic to, but there are other brands with other formulas . . . . . Or I could just keep my mouth closed until I see my dentist .. . .


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I am so, so sorry. I have serious dental phobia. I have nightmares about my teeth cracking, falling out, etc. I hate going to the dentist and I have to hold back the tears when they tell me that I have a cavity or some other issue that will cause me to have to come back.

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update: even my dentist and the receptionist were surprised to see me back. I didn't pop a filling. I broke a portion of what was left of the tooth. it needs a crown. I'm just amazed my dentist *asked* me if "I was ready for this". Uh, do I have a choice? (he gave me a choice of coming back another day. seriously?) sure, I'm happy to walk around with a giant hole in my tooth, can't open my mouth, can't eat, etc. becasue the temperature change irks the nerve. / could be good for my waistline though.


the darn anesthetic he uses goes with the gravity - so If my head is tilted backwards, that's where it goes. among other things, my eyeball is numb.


two more weeks of this . . . . . hopefully THEN I'll be *done*!

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