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What can they do together?


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My two are fighting more than normal. Likely because I'm being much more strict with things than ever before, and its cold so ds isn't outside as much.


Dd likes art and anime.


Ds likes war and lego.


Left to their own devices, nothing goes well. I want to do something really fun to get them working together. They used to play together for periods of time because they knew I'd "forget" about school and chores if they were getting along (obviously my intelligent thinking backfired).


I would really love to take a break, but ds is finally getting on track and a break would kill it.


Dd does very minimal but is making progress. She's more than 1/2 way through a MM year, but not far enough in any work that i can call an official break.


What little things can we do to build their relationship? Ds yells at her a lot, but everything is being done to work on that. Young marines is on break until January.

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