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Taking School on the ROAD?????

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DH is in construction-and he really wants to go somewhere warm for the winter while he doesn't have any projects going on. Our kids have been homeschooled in the past but are all public schooled currently. He really wants to pull them all out and take school on the road. I know it may sound fun to some-but I'm a real home-body-and all I can see are negatives about being away for a few months. Can you help me with some ideas that would make this seem legistically possible?

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I like being home, too, but I would jump at the chance. My husband suggested that you compromise by picking a specific amount of time to be gone and commit to stay in one place a longer length of time if traveling often is something you don't want to do. For example, commit to be gone only 3 months and visit 3 places staying one month in each place.


As far as the schooling, here is what I would do.


History/Geography: Once you've decided where you will be visiting, plan to do unit studies of that area's history and geography and even surrounding areas that are within driving distance. Visit museums and parks.


Science: Do nature or habitat studies of the areas you will be in or pick one topic, such as Chemistry, to study with all the kids and go more in depth with the older ones (don't know the ages of your kids)


Math: Keep each child working at their current level by first asking the school if the kids could "borrow" or "rent" their books for the rest of the year. If not, I would do the placement tests for Christian Light and place them appropriately because it's good math and cheap.


Language Arts: I'd do the same as I would in math, except I would pick read alouds to do as a family that would be book with guides such as Progeny Press to add in LA activities for older kids. Christian Light LA includes grammar, spelling, some creative writing, and penmanship.


Art/Music: I'd visit museums and music performances in the area, especially if there are things you'd never get to see at home.


I hope you can come to terms with something that will make everyone happy!

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I'm working on plans for a 6 month period of traveling and this has been encouraging to see the suggestions go along with some of the ideas I've had. One thing I'm now excited about it studying the ocean. We will be going from Mississippi to Florida then up the coast from Florida to Maine and we live in Brazil now. So our plans are to stop on the Gulf Coast, in a few places, stop on the Gulf Side and then the Atlantic Side then stop several places up the coast. We're talking about to the Bay of Fundy and would love to go to Prince Edward Island as well. We'll see. We may even be going along the north side of the Great Lakes.


We want to study waves or lack there of, tides, beach and shores (whether rocky, sandy, pebbly), flora and fauna of the area, etc. I'm very excited about this. And we hope to stop at any museums or other field trips along the way. And then we can compare it to the coast of the state that we live in here in Brazil. Wish we could make it to the Pacific Coast, but I doubt I could handle that this time!

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My suggestion after having done this in our RV (and we still travel but for shorter times now), is to only worry about the 3 Rs. The rest is gravy and will be picked up along the way. It's such an awesome experience along the way that they will pick up a lot. You also don't want to be lugging around tons of curriculum. So math is definite, writing (however you do it - or keep a detailed journal of the trip) and lots of reading. If you can, get a Kindle or Ipad and read, read, read. Have Fun!!!!

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