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Lego Mindstorm


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My dd10 has been really wanting to get the Lego Mindstorms Droid Developer kit, she most wants to build R2D2 (as in, she talks about it constantly). I have found the kit on ebay, fairly reasonable, but as I know nothing about the Mindstorm products I am wondering if the computer software for this kit is so out of date that the kit will not be usable? I was hoping someone might be able to let me know if it is still a worthwhile kit. Thanks.



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That's cool that cat found the instructions. My ds11 took a local Mindstorms class put on by our city. He *So* wants a current generations robot kit - NXT 2.0 to program on his own. I tried talking him into some of these older models. But he immediately describes how much more the newer versions have to offer. In researching these little buggers a bit I have seen a lot of changes since they were first introduced. I wish the current one wasn't so darn expensive. It never seems to go on sale. *However* as I write this I just checked and for the first time Amazon is selling it at a *somewhat* reduced price - $239 vs. $279. Still that's a lot of mula I know!


Regarding the version you are considering it is pretty old tech. Take a look at the reviews here: LEGO Mindstorms: Star Wars Droid Developer Kit

Regarding the software its hard to say since this is a 1999 product. That's *really old* software designed for Windows 95/98. Not sure its going to run on the newer OS's. This partially depends on what you are running at home. I know some of our old games don't work in the newer environments. This will be a bit of a gamble I think which could go either way.


But if it works and your dd will have fun with it that's all that really matters. However do you think once done with that one she will want the newer version *also*? Since I already know the answer to that one for my ds I have him starting a savings plan toward it including some of his Christmas money. By the time its his BDay he should be able to save up enough from his allowance to contribute toward its purchase. :tongue_smilie:

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What I can't quite figure out is how necessary the software is to the robotics? Originally dd10 wanted the Lego R2D2 kit and the Voice Activated R2D2 robot. These two items are both pricey. Then she discovered that there was a kit where she could make her own R2D2 robot and it has been all she talked about since. I have never really looked at Mindstorm before, so it is all new to me. Is there a different kit that would allow her to construct a R2D2 replica, at least get close?



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Okay, I have been looking at it and seems like we should get the Mindstorms kit, but what I wonder is if I bought the old Droid Developer could this be used with MIndstorms to construct the R2D2 looking robot she has in mind?



Well, it really depends what you/she have in mind when you say 'construct' the R2D2 robot. The original one you posted looks like you could 'construct it.' Programming it to do stuff is another question. So if that is what you're asking I'm not sure if you could swap out the old brain or 'brick' with the newer ones. There are other hardware/mechanical parts involved such as sensors designed to work with the brick. That's why I'm not sure you can swap newer tech with these older robot parts. It does sound like a fun almost frankenstein like experiment which a kid would love to try.


You could probably get a more definitive answer on a Lego Mindstorms forum since many on there would be more likely to attempt such experiments. Try here: https://community.le...TORMS/bd-p/1042

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