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Input from Bloggers


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A lot of the threads about the new forum have mentioned that PHP is a business, that they pay a lot of money for the forum, and that the community of message board members helps support PHP. But what I've haven't seen specifically mentioned is how blogs help support PHP too. This forum already helps bloggers a lot. I would like to see more readily accessible ways for bloggers to help support PHP in return.


Right now if I blog about my kids enjoying SOTW I'm likely to include the Amazon Affiliate Link instead of linking back to PHP. That's not because I'm mercenary; it's because it costs money to blog and I try to break even. I wish there was a way that I could link back directly to PHP instead of Amazon, but still get that 10 cent commission. If PHP ended up starting a program for bloggers like AAS has, that would be awesome.


A more basic idea would be for the PHP website to have a special link called "For Bloggers". It could include thumbnail tags of different shapes that bloggers could put on their blog just to be supportive. I might not to choose to include an advertisement like that for free on my blog all the time, but I definitely would sometime. But please make it easier for me to help!


Since normally you aren't allowed to talk about the forums on the forum, this is finally a chance to share. I bet other bloggers out there have some ideas about this too. I know there are a lot of bloggers out there who are passionate about education, inspired by SWB and JW, and who are willing to help support PHP no matter what forum technology you use.

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On my blog whenever I mention a PHP product I link the text in the post to the PHP website listing and then at the bottom of the post I separate the main text from the bottom


and then I post a picture link to the Amazon.com listing that uses my affiliate code. I also add the information that the original links are for the author's site and that the picture link is to the amazon site.


But in 5 months I haven't made even the minimum $10, so I can't tell if what I do keeps people from going to the amazon link or not. I really like the idea of a "for bloggers" link on PHP.

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