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X-post: timeline question--History Odyssey


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Can someone tell me if this History Odyssey timeline is secular? I have had the hardest time figuring out how to do one. I thought about our hallway wall, but honestly I don't relish the idea of keeping up with something that takes up wall space. Something that could be put in a binder and on a shelf would be much better.


I don't mind the timeline having prehistory stuff not included because we do have a couple detailed books about prehistory and pre-human topics that have visual timelines in the book. I'm looking for history only, not so much science timeline help. I got the science pre-history covered.


I notice it starts at 6000 BC (is it YE?) or is that just an arbitrary starting point? Does it include religious story as fact? How much would be useful to me if I delete certain things? I notice that there's an optional prehistory sticker pack and they use the abbrv. BCE, so I felt sort of safe assuming I could use this timeline without too much religious interference? Also is there space to write in your own events?


This is one thing I don't really feel like I want to make myself.


ETA: Also would this complement SOTW well?

Edited by Walking-Iris
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The timeline itself has nothing pre-filled in, so in that sense yes, it is secular.


I was disappointed when the remade it to start in 6000 BCE instead of earlier, because that, of course, skips over a lot of history, but we added on our own information for the earlier times to make it more accurate.


The categories that it has for filling in, in stripes horizontally are things like "Men and Women" "wars" "Religion" "arts" "science and technology" and you can use those divisions if you wish. You could just as easily relabel them by continent if you prefer to divide up your timeline that way.


I did not purchase the sticker pack, so I can't answer that question, but the timeline, in and of itself, has nothing but the dates (by century) drawn in for you, so it is a great timeline for folding into a notebook and is, other than being inaccurate by starting at 6000BCE, perfectly secular and is very nice. I added reinforcement circles to the holes punched and have had no problems with it at all, and have used two years worth of the timelines so far, with a boy who is a basic disaster with 3-ring binders :D.


Yes, you can use this timeline with SOTW, or any other history program very easily.


The History Odyssey program is probably more secular than even SOTW; the level 1 program uses SOTW as just one resource among many, so it treats each religion as it encounters it in the civilization that uses it. In the level 2 materials, I have added the K12 Human Odyssey books to read in addition (plus additional literature). I don't have a "reading schedule" for that; I just look in the table of contents and skim over the material each week and write it down in his planner. I find it a pretty straightforward thing to match up that way-- takes only seconds really.


Good luck!

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Thank you. That helps! I notice there's an optional prehistory one for events before 6000. We've passed studying that really, and I have two books with nice details of those periods. I may just get the regular timeline and then the add on prehistory one when my younger two are ready to cover that in more depth. I really like the idea of laminating and using wipe off markers from the satori blog. I imagine the stickers may even be laminated and then added to the timeline with removable two sided tape so that each kid could have a chance to place them on. That eliminates somewhat my concern of having something I don't really like looking at on the hallway wall!


It's really pretty. It helped seeing it spread out on a wall like that. Totally better than anything I would make myself, even if I wanted to try!

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Thank you. That helps! I notice there's an optional prehistory one for events before 6000. We've passed studying that really, and I have two books with nice details of those periods. I may just get the regular timeline and then the add on prehistory one when my younger two are ready to cover that in more depth. I really like the idea of laminating and using wipe off markers from the satori blog. I imagine the stickers may even be laminated and then added to the timeline with removable two sided tape so that each kid could have a chance to place them on. That eliminates somewhat my concern of having something I don't really like looking at on the hallway wall!


It's really pretty. It helped seeing it spread out on a wall like that. Totally better than anything I would make myself, even if I wanted to try!


And now I thank you! The prehistory timeline is newer, and I did not know about it... I will put it on my list for when DS9 hits logic stage!

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