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I have a ds problem that is not behavioral, PLEASE help!

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2 times in the past 5 days, ds has had a bm in his diaper while sleeping, 1 night he slept through, and the other 2 nights he woke up to use the toilet. He is not afraid to go use the bathroom at night, he is not doing it on purpose, and his belly is so soft that i can't see him being constipated.


Help! What in the world could be causing this? :confused:


He has been day trained since he was 3.5-4. He has never been night trained, but has not had a bm in a diaper since 3.5-4.

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My son has always done this since we adopted him at 13 months (now 5yo). He has gotten better over time, and I think for him it relates to his stress responses and felt need for control. Has your son been under a lot of stress? It sounds like this is a new thing for him, though, so I don't know if our experience is relevant to your situation. I guess in your situation I'd consult his pediatrician if the pattern continues for much longer, just to be safe.


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If he hasn't been seen by a Urologist already, I would have him tested for Kidney Reflux. Night time urination past the age of 5-6 can be a big indicator of it. DS was diagnosed at 8 yrs old.



As far as the stool goes, my vote is constipation. He can still be backed up and involuntarily going without a hard belly. Many kids that go on a regular basis can still get backed up if they aren't going enough at a time. I would get some Miralax and start him on it.

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His sister did spend the weekend away, and he said he missed her a lot. She was not home the first night it happened. But, we have been away from her before. Another possible stressor was talk of him spending some time with my father. It's not going to happen because ds is in diapers (could not find a pull up that worked) and he doesnt want my father helping him. My father would absolutely belittle him and be grossed if a bm happened. I will not let ds be traumatized like that.


I hesitate to start miralax because he was seen for loose bms when he was younger (the cause was found to be early allergy signs to dairy.... Hmmm, he outgrew the dairy allergy, but maybe thats the problem again).


I will try 3x per day toilet sitting (morning, noon, before bed) for a week or so.


How many accidents is considered a problem?


He has seen a urologist who had no interest in doing anything. He was 7 at the time, but has a lot of delays.

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I would definitely do the sit on toilet routine and see if that helps.


Definitely consider it may be a reaction to your dad.


And I'd definitely consider diet. An revised elimination diet might be a good idea. Dairy is a good place to start and then move to the other "highly likelies". Anything he is craving is probably suspect (grains perhaps?) and since halloween just passed, you might consider an overindulgence of sweets even if it hasn't been "that much" even a slight increase can do a number on the tummy. You might consider a probiotic as well or some yogurt with active cultures.


Poor kiddo. Hope you find a solution soon!

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The Dr's office had nothing to offer except an appt. I don't want to run him to the Dr because he pooped in his sleep! Maybe if it continues, or becomes more common than not for it to happen. He has nothing else physically going on. The bms are not diarrhea, he is not otherwise sick or ill, etc.


I had to ask the nurse multiple times to please just pass along the info to the Dr and if the Dr is actually concerned, I'll bring him in. If there is concern, it would probably involve a visit to a GI with a very uncomfortable finger check of things (looking for impaction and/or blood) and could turn a nothing into something. Right now, I don't think this is anything. Enough awareness to ask you guys and fill in his Dr, but no concern and certainly not enough concern to run to the Dr.


In the meantime, I'm going to keep a log, have him sit 3x per day, and see where we are in a week or so.If it is still happening, I will give him a few days miralax and watch again. If it is still happening, I'll do some diet adjusting. After all those steps are complete, then I will bring his tush to the tush Dr and see what's wrong.

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If he hasn't been seen by a Urologist already, I would have him tested for Kidney Reflux. Night time urination past the age of 5-6 can be a big indicator of it. DS was diagnosed at 8 yrs old.



As far as the stool goes, my vote is constipation. He can still be backed up and involuntarily going without a hard belly. Many kids that go on a regular basis can still get backed up if they aren't going enough at a time. I would get some Miralax and start him on it.


we battle this with our youngest -- could be that you son is finally relaxed enough in his sleep to go.

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no ideas on why this was just starting, but google dairy and bedwetting and you will find that dairy is the top cause (I think) of this. I was surprised to find this out and do know that my son has dairy sensitivity to the extent that even a morsel of something with dairy causes him to wet.

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no ideas on why this was just starting, but google dairy and bedwetting and you will find that dairy is the top cause (I think) of this. I was surprised to find this out and do know that my son has dairy sensitivity to the extent that even a morsel of something with dairy causes him to wet.


He was anaphylactic to dairy for several years right up to kindergarten, so we avoided absolutely all forms of dairy and it made no difference in his wetting.

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He was anaphylactic to dairy for several years right up to kindergarten, so we avoided absolutely all forms of dairy and it made no difference in his wetting.


What about eggs? Could you log his foods and see if there is a pattern. I read that 50% of all kids who are sensitive to dairy also are sensitive to eggs. Has he had an IgG recently? Just wondering if foods are behind this. The "bucket" concept has been interesting to me in my quest to help my ds7 overcome bedwetting and other issues. Did you read the thread that talked about that or know what I mean?



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