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I am sick of political phone calls! (vent)

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We have been getting 2-4 calls a day from one party. I am registered one party, my husband is registered another. That party has not tried to contact "him" at all. He finally got a call today from them and it was a hang up. We had a good laugh about that. Finally he got another call tonight and it was a recording from Bill Clinton. :D


Oh, and I got a pre-recorded phone call from the Gov. of PA earlier too.


Just one more day!


I always am courteous to the phone pollers, though, but I don't answer if it is inconvenient..... We only got one door-to-door poller. Thankfully DH answered that one! :auto:

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Five robo-calls Saturday, six yesterday and seven today. I'm pretty sure I'm taking the phone off the hook tomorrow so we can get schoolwork done. On Wednesday I can turn the phone back on and un-hide quite a few people on Facebook.


There just needs to be a sea change in how elections are done in this country. It won't ever happen, but I can sure dream.

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