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From MUS Epsilon to TT- what level?


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Once you get to Epsilon and Zeta MUS is about as straight forward as it gets. In the first you cover Fractions (Epsilon) and in the second you cover Decimals and Percents (Zeta). So if your son is in Epsilon he is learning fractions.


Unfortunately TT has a completely different scope and sequence introducing fractions and percents much earlier on among other things. So it might be harder to switch midstream. He will most likely have to go back before going ahead. This could delay him getting into secondary math in HS. It might be better to finish elementary math first before switching since he only has ~ 1.5 books to go. Then the transition would be much easier and less fragmented. My son switched from MUS shortly after Zeta to another program called TabletClass. Though we did some initial chapters in MUS Pre-A to cover negative numbers and a few other concepts. You could always suppliment MUS Fractions with something else like the 'Keys To' series or MM to get another perspective.

Edited by dereksurfs
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My niece just switched from MUS Epsilon to TT7. She was most of the way through Epsilon. She LOVES her new math! I think, because of how well TT explains things and does do a lot of review, she was able to jump right into it.


Did she do their placement test first? Just curious.

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I agree it will probably be Level 7. When we switched from MUS to TT I found there was a lot that my dd already knew from MUS. I still made her work through the problems that she knew just to keep skills fresh and to familiarize her with TT's methods. The problems that were new to her were explained so well in TT that she never had any trouble. I would try the placement for TT 7 first and go from there. Good luck on your switch.



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My niece just switched from MUS Epsilon to TT7. She was most of the way through Epsilon. She LOVES her new math! I think, because of how well TT explains things and does do a lot of review, she was able to jump right into it.


This is exactly what I did with my ds. It has been working for him. He was half way through Epsilon.

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Another option is to do the placement test and see where he's "lacking" for the level you think he's closest to. Then fill in the voids with Math Mammoth from CurrClick. However, I've found Teaching Textbooks to have quite a bit of review in the first lessons, so he might be able to just go straight into Math 7 or Pre-Algebra.

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