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Changing HOD Read Alouds???


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I've been changing our read alouds the whole time we've been doing Beyond and Bigger. Some of the books we had already read, some just didn't appeal. I don't think it makes any difference in those programs. Once they get to Preparing, I'm sticking to the recommendations just because they do tend to complement the history.


In fact, we've ditched them right now to read through the Chronicles of Narnia . . . I suddenly realized that my younger kids had only listened to the CD's and watched the movies and our CD's are abridged. We started with Magician's Nephew and we're now half way through LL&W. Even my highschooler tends to stop and listen when we read our chapter every day :) I've dropped away all the discussion which is probably a bad thing but I've been trying to use the suggestions for narration activities and discussion more with the history reading rather than the read aloud.

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Thanks for replying! I noticed in your sig that you are using multiple HOD guides. Is that working well for you? I was thinking of either combining our just turning 6 & 8 yr old in Beyond or doing light work for my 1st grader and putting my older child in Bigger. I'm not really sure what I'll end up doing ... I think Bigger will be a little too hard for my younger.

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We have some family dynamics that made splitting them up the best thing. My 8 yods has a very strong personality, while the one above and the one below are much quieter in personality so when we try to do programs together the other two get swallowed up when we're trying to discuss or even narrate.


It's actually going very well for us so far this year. My 11yod in CTC is very good at working independently and so is my 8 yods in Bigger (he's able to do the Science box mostly by himself which is a big help). We're into a good routine right now. My 4yods will turn five soon and I'm trying to decide whether to go ahead and start LHFHG or just wait until the fall. I hate to mess too much with the routine we have going.

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