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Movies as Literature, info please

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My 8th grade son is doing this now. He is interested in film studies so it is a perfect fit. We are really enjoying it!


Most of the movies and accompanying books are easy to find and cheap or free (we have Netflix and Amazon Prime). On day 1 he watches the movie straight through without interruption. On day 2 he watches the movie again and answers the very in depth questions. On day 3 he compares his answers with the answer key. He watches the movie one more time after checking all of his answers. After that he reads the matching recommended book. After watching the movie one more time he writes a 5 paragraph essay. Each movie takes about 2 weeks. There are 18 movies in all, making it fit into a typical 32 week school year.


I would have no problem giving using this for a High School lit credit, as long as the suggested book was read and the essay was required. I would also grade the questions myself. Since my son is only in 8th I let him check and grade the questions on his own and leave the process very informal, but if he were using it for High School I would be the one checking them. They are not easy questions and require long, well thought out answers. Letting him do it on his own takes the pressure off of him, because otherwise they would be overwhelming at his grade level.

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I bought this for dd this year....and it looks great....but, we never sit and watch a whole movie....here it is November, and we haven't watched one yet. We are too active to sit still once our main book work is done. Funny, we have no problem sitting and reading.....but sitting and watching.....we just can't do it....sigh....

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I imagine it would work great in a co-op. You could just use the questions for group discussion. I have not had any trouble finding the movies or books. Many movies are available on Netflix or Amazon Prime. Also several of the DVD's can be purchased used or even new for under $10 from Amazon. If you have Prime, they offer many used books and movies with free shipping. Also you have the ability to skip around in the book, you do not have to do all the movies or do them in order. The program is very flexible, and my son really enjoys it.

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