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Anybody have teens using Apologia Learn 'N Folders from Live & Learn Press?

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I can't really help you. . .


DS2 (just starting 8th) will be using LnL folders starting with Gen. Sci.


He's not artsy; he is a child that needs to write things down to help him remember, but he hates to do that even. So, this is what he'll do. DH even suggested that I allow DS2 to use his folder to help him with tests (like "open book", but it would be "open folder" instead). Still haven't decided on that yet.


So, as I said, I can't help you based on experience, but this is the route we will be going.


PS I think LnL is having a 15% off sale on their Apologia folders (ebooks only) right now.

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My son who is not the least bit artsy did the Live and Learn folders for Apologia Biology this past year, and absolutely loved them! I was completely shocked - I was just trying to find anything for him to do so he wouldn't whine so much about the amount of writing he needed to do to answer the study questions. For some reason, those little booklets were just the thing - - he would take painstaking care that he cut them out and put them together correctly. I never had to remind him to do his study questions -- so unlike the year before!

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I don't know if doing those booklets will help with long term retention or not. However, I actually saw him several times looking through his notebook at all of the little books and reading over them. He also would study them before the module test. He never looked back over his answers when he wrote them in a spiral notebook - he would barely re-read them as review for the test.


Something else we did was put the definition on the back of the little paper instead of on front so he could look at the word, say the definition in his head then turn it over on the back and see if he was right.


I will say that as a scrapbooking mom those little booklets - especially if you have a color printer - are really, really cute! My son was constantly intrigued with them. They are just very clever.

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