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SC Lowcountry Homeschool Groups?

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I went down a list that was online and had to cross several off:


LCHEA - Exclusive towards Protestant Christians only, rejects any family that has even one child in another school situation other than homeschooling (specifically anti-public school and anti-cyber school as stated on their page)


Cathedral LIFE - rejects any family that has even one child in another school situation other than homeschooling (specifically anti-public school and anti-cyber school as stated on their page)


TORCH - Do they cover the Moncks Corner/Goose Creek/Summerville area also?


LHA - I just messaged them to see what their specifics were as nothing was listed. Are they an inclusive group?


Are there any other groups I should know about? What the dickens do ya'll have against any family that might have a child in another school situation even if they are traditionally homeschooling other children? Sometimes there are circumstances that put a family in that situation with a child. Other times, it's what works for a particular child vs other children.

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  • 3 months later...

I don't know anything about any of the groups, (I live in Columbia) but perhaps you could contact SCAIHS and ask for some guidance? They are Option 2, but have always been helpful to me even when I wasn't a member. I don't get the whole bias against other schooling situations either. Homeschoolers who use cyber schools still have many of the same concerns other hs parents do, even if they don't have to worry about curriculum. Hope you get some answers! :)

It's a public school paranoia issue. Basically, it looks like a grey area between public and home education and there are always those that are fearful of it. I remember seeing (and being taught) this kind of fear in another state (not PA).


Thank you. I will call them this week.

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Hi mommaduck :)


You're welcome to post on my Facebook wall to see if there are others in your area: http://www.facebook.com/carolinahomeschooler


Have you checked my support group page to see if there are any other groups list there? It's a http://www.carolinahomeschooler.com/asupport.html




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I didn't see any listed on your page that were inclusive of people that don't fall into a narrow category...each of the ones on the page are listed in my original post on this thread and the issue that would exclude me from them. Also LHA is for a specific area that does not include Berkeley County. I found one group of inclusive homeschoolers specifically for Berkeley County. I believe TORCH is the one that stresses a father's role in homeschooling. My husband travels for a living.

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Dianna, I know that you are new here and probably trying to network for your site. Understandable. This is a diverse homeschooling board and the homeschooling community is VERY diverse. When I started out, I started out in a state with little restriction, but big on fear tactics against anything that didn't look like the Duggar/Gothard form of homeschooling and family. I've been there, been in those churches, been in those groups with the statement of faiths, and heard both sides of the exclusiveness. "we can't find any homeschooling group that will allow our family because of our type of faith or lack of faith." "Those (insert faith) can go form their own homeschool group!" (despite the fact that they may be the only ones of their faith homeschooling)


We moved to another state with more diversity and homeschooling groups that were more open, even those that were Protestant based, the focus was on academics, not who you were and which church you belonged to.


I'm now moving home to South Carolina. I am Eastern Orthodox. I am a Christian. I will not sign any statement of faith that is not the original Nicene Creed (aka without the filioque) and that alone. I would rather be with a group that includes LDS, JW's, Baptists, Methodists, Pagans, Muslims, Jews, Agnostics, Atheists, dads who stay home, moms that work, single parents, and even a gay couple that are more concerned about homeschooling, academics, field trips, and being kind to one another than in a group that states that everyone has to believe a particular way about the bible, about creation, about what people look like, about what their family looks like or what mom and dad do for a living, who works or who stays home, etc. Ironically, I would probably not agree on some things with the former group and would agree with some things in the latter group, but due to my faith and being a part of the original Church, we would not be accepted. I also believe strongly in living my faith rather than preaching it and expecting everyone else to live the way that I do. Scripture states that I am to love my neighbour...not only if they are straight, not only if they are Baptist, not only if they have an intact family, etc...love my neighbour. Pretty simple. THAT is the kind of group I would like to be part of. One that understands that simple concept and command, regardless of where they are coming from to it.

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Have you looked at PACESC? No statement of faith required. They are pretty much turn in your papers and mind your own business but aren't local really. I am similar to mommaduck, I'm not Protestant, I have a husband who travels or works full time and I am an intern for my degree. I'm subbing to this too.

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Have you looked at PACESC? No statement of faith required. They are pretty much turn in your papers and mind your own business but aren't local really. I am similar to mommaduck, I'm not Protestant, I have a husband who travels or works full time and I am an intern for my degree. I'm subbing to this too.


Several of PACESC's pages under FAQ's are not working. I called and left my number for them to get back to me.

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Dianna, I know that you are new here and probably trying to network for your site. Understandable. This is a diverse homeschooling board and the homeschooling community is VERY diverse.


Mamaduck, I've been a part of the WTM boards for years (actually, probably at least 10, when they were in a very different format than they are now). I apologize if I gave you the impression that I was trying to "network for my site" or didn't understand that you were having issues trying to find a group. The support groups that are listed at my site are only those who request to be listed. I won't post information about a group unless they request it because usually there's personal contact info involved.


Edited to add: Just thought I'd repeat the invitation for you to post on my facebook wall. With over 2,000 homeschoolers there, you may find some kindred souls. I've also started a new community area (using the same software as this site, with gracious help from the techies that work behind the scenes here), but it's very new and doesn't have the traffic of my facebook wall.


Best regards,


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Dianna, may I ask why you use a profile instead of a page? I don't want to have to friend someone that I haven't had time to get to know in order to do so. With only 51 posts listed, you did appear as a newbie (my apologies for that presumption). Yes, I was a little suspicious when I've only recently seen you (did you have another username?), and every listing on your page was already listed in my OP.


I have found a couple of inclusive groups through people pming me here. I had found it disturbing that there were so many exclusive groups of the same type.

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Dianna, may I ask why you use a profile instead of a page? I don't want to have to friend someone that I haven't had time to get to know in order to do so.


I have no idea! It seemed like a good idea at the time. ;) I completely understand you not wanting to friend someone you don't know, and I'm really glad you found support and groups through people PMing you here.


With only 51 posts listed, you did appear as a newbie (my apologies for that presumption). Yes, I was a little suspicious when I've only recently seen you (did you have another username?), and every listing on your page was already listed in my OP.


I didn't compare the listing with your OP - I was just hopeful that there would be a group there that would meet your needs and that's why I linked it, just in case.


Regarding, a new username: every time they changed board formats, we had to create new IDs. Then I couldn't ever sign in under my old ID (which I can't remember anymore), and so I created this new one.


I'm so glad you found the support you need. :)



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