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AAS letter tile questions


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Our package with AAS and AAR came today. I spent four hours setting it up and it looks great except for the letter tiles. Being called tiles I assumed they would be plastic tiles but they're laminated paper. I'm concerned they won't hold up well. The younger kids tend to pull things down to play with and I have a feeling the paper tiles will end up ruined. Has anyone done anything to make them more durable? Maybe glue them to the front of a plastic tile or write the letters on a more durable material?


My other question is about the starter packs. I bought one for the reading program and one for the spelling program. It looks like the cds and letter tiles are the same. Is that right?

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If there is going to be excessive jostling of the tiles, maybe it will be a problem but overall after over 2 1/2 years use on my tiles (I got mine used) they don't show any signs of wear. We do leave ours up at all times, so they are just moved around on the white board. They have fallen a bunch. Maybe the tiles are manufactured differently now? But the ones I have are pretty sturdy.


Also the starter packs are the same from what I've read. We are going to start on All About Reading Pre Level 1 soon and I didn't get a new starter pack because when I was reading the materials/samples it said we wouldn't need one if we don't mind sharing the tiles with the different students.

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Thanks, our tiles seem like basic laminated paper. Maybe lightweight card stock. They're not so think that they don't stay straight when you hold the edge but they could be easily folded up. They were printed off so all the ones on the edge had to be trimmed to get the incorrect colors off, I think having had strips on the side cut off may be making them less sturdy than they otherwise would be.

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The tiles are laminated card stock. They held up really well here. I've since sold mine, but I made my own set on my computer, printing it out on regular card stock and laminating. Exactly the same.


I suggest keeping the board away from little ones inbetween lessons. I left the tiles on my board, but tucked the board behind a dresser. I had an 18 month old when we started AAS, and we used it for about a year. I never had any damaged tiles, and I have 3 boys who are HARD on stuff like that. Board games don't survive our house. :tongue_smilie: Thankfully, laminated card stock usually does fine.

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