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Writing Question

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When writing an essay about someone else's work (non-fiction, instructional work) does a student have to stay with the same verb tense all the way through the essay or can it vary from one paragraph to another? I am not finding a clear consensus on this. Any help is appreciated!

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I'm not an expert. But, I do remember reading in Rod & Staff (probably 7) that although the general rule is "never change tense", you also have to apply some common sense. Sometimes there is a transition in the thought process that necessitates a change in tense. I wish I could be more specific.


At any rate, this will bump you up. I hope someone else chimes in!



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I too, am not an expert, but I was always told...when writing a piece changing verb tense was not a good idea. I would reference something like The Elements of Style or just a grammar website, however like a previous post said, common sense is always a plus. Good luck.

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