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Book suggestion for sibling rivalry.


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I need some 3rd grade reading level book suggestions for my ds. He is struggling with his sibling relationships and I would like to have him read some good books with positive family interactions. He is an oldest, so anything that might encourage an outlook of protection and responsibility would be perfect. It would also be nice if we could discuss differences in skill/ability, personality, and strengths/weakness of the siblings. Am I asking too much? I just need the perfect book to feed his young mind and heart.

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Summer of the Monkeys


This is the book that immediately popped into my mind. I haven't read it in a long time, but the main character spends a summer trying to catch escaped circus monkeys for the reward money. He wants to use the money to get a pony and a gun, but in the end he uses the money to pay for an operation to fix his sister's deformed leg. I think she may have been his twin sister, but there is definitely a protective older brother theme.

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I had my 11 y/o read this book. It's probably too much for a 3rd grader to read alone, but you could read it out loud to him. It's conversational and not hard to understand, but it's just a lot of reading for a 3rd grader.




I see there's a DVD and a coloring book, so maybe there's a way of bringing it down to his level some more there.

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There are lots of books you might do as a read aloud that have various models of real (as in, squabbles and all) but positive sibling relationships that may not feel like sibling relationship "lesson" books, but which might be useful, such as...

The Saturdays by Elizabeth Enright

The Penderwicks by Jeanne Birdsall (though that one is all girls, so might not be perfect, though my boys love it)

Half Magic by Edward Eager

All of a Kind Family by Sydney Taylor (another all girl one, unfortunately)

From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankenweiler

The Moffats by Eleanor Estes

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis


One of the first books that occurred to me was My Rotten Red-Headed Older Brother, which is a longish picture book by Patricia Polacco - definitely 2nd-3rd grade reading level. She has another book about him - Rotten Ralphie and the Ultimate Dare. Sticking with picture books, though this one is probably too simplistic and easy for a third grader, Julius, the Baby of the World by Kevin Henkes is cute.


How about the Julian books by Ann Cameron? Super easy chapter books (think just a little easier than Magic Treehouse) and the sibling relationships are one of the focuses of the stories.

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