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Is anyone using Lightning Literature 1?


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We have done the first two weeks. We are taking a break now, while I decide how best to make this program work for us. My son is an older first grader, so the biggest problem was that he found the first two books to be too "babyish" and the same with the student grammar pages. But I really like the composition and lit analysis portions (and wouldn't mind the grammar portions either if my ds didn't roll his eyes and sigh every time he looks at the page.) So I think we will keep the teacher's guide and response book, but skip the grammar pages, alphabet listings, etc. for now. Another issue is that we have already read nearly every book used this year so he already has an opinion on most of them. If he likes the book, the week will be fine, but I don't know that it is worth it (in first grade) to force us both through a week with a book he already knows he does not like. :confused: My ds resists school in general and definitely did better with a curriculum with exact writing assignments provided rather than me reading a book with him and suggesting we do a narration (or any type of writing or even oral analysis.)

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I tried the first month. Meh.........I don't know. We read the stories and discussed them but that's something we do anyway. My kids didn't want to read the story multiple times each week.

The other activities like the grammar portion are just so light. There would be a few sentences per day.

And the font and pictures and colors made me crazy. The pages just felt so messy that it really bothered me. I hate the comic sans font and it just felt unprofessional and so homemade. Somehow the amount of work and the work pages just felt like busy work to me.

I might try another month of it now that they have more available but I just didn't feel like we got much out of the first month.

But I don't know what I was expecting so don't just take my opinion. Since it's free, you should try a month and see what you think.

I would love to hear what others thought though! :bigear:

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I predicted a few of those weaknesses. Luckily, I have three kids to try it out on. :tongue_smilie:


I'm thinking of ditching the schedule, just pulling it out once or twice a week and calling it the "book of the week" or something like that. I think the writing assignments are open enough for all my kids to enjoy, and we'll give the grammar and alphabet/synonym activities a try.


I'll let you know how it goes. :D

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