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getting a dysgraphia diagnosis?

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We are trying to get a formal dysgraphia diagnosis for my son.

He has been to our family doctor and gone through a full O.T. consult.

Both believe that he has dysgraphia, but they have both said that they cannot formally diagnosis him, so they have referred us to the local public school system.


Has anyone had any luck getting a dysgraphia diagnosis through the PS system?

I am not even sure who to ask to see? The LD/special ed. department? The school psychologist?


Could someone please steer me in the right direction?

Thanks much!

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I am in the same process, trying to get a dysgraphia diagnosis for both my boys. I went to our district website, which said to contact the school psychologist or principal for the school they would attend. I sent emails two weeks ago, and still haven't heard back. I'd start by calling your school district office....they should be able to direct you to the proper person to contact. (Of course, if that person ignores you....I have no idea where to go from there!)

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I would contact your school district office and explain what you need. If they don't know where to direct you, I'd ask to speak to the school psychologist who serves the public school your child would attend.


I believe what kind of testing the school provides depends on the state you are in. Our school district does not provide any diagnostic testing. They will do some "screenings" and other assessments, but these do not lead to any diagnostic labels. Their version of testing is to take data on the child for a period of several weeks and then use this data to determine whether or not the child is discrepant from his/her peers in the areas in question. If the child is discrepant enough, he/she is entitled to a certain amount and type of special education services. They have a variety of formulas and rubrics for all of this, all of which I find incredibly annoying. I've asked a number of people why all of this is so, and I've been told by several school officials that if the district were to provide a diagnoses, they would then be legally required to provide remediation. For these reasons, we had to go to a neuropsych for our diagnosis. Hopefully your district can offer you more than this!

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Thank you. I feel like we've set the ball rolling at least, so I'm hopeful that we have at least started down the right path.


So here is a question....his general doctor put a diagnosis of dysgraphia on his chart, (which is how he got the OT referral) but that isn't really 'enough'...is it?


I am looking for an official diagnosis, because I know that if he ever takes the written portion of the SAT/ACT - or the like, he is definitely going to need to have special accommodations made for him to compensate for his excruciatingly S-L-O-W handwriting .

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I'm surprised that the OT couldn't do it. A neurologist?


Also, where we live, there are some educational consultants who run agencies that coordinate the types of specialists that do testing for all kinds of educational related issues. They are like independent child study teams. The schools use them but individuals can, too--for a price! I found some in the phone book. Our school district has told me they cannot even make recommendations of specialists who do specific testing.

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