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house alarm on rental house question

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So we woke up to the alarm beeping to tell us the batteries in the motion detector were low. Great. I specifically asked to have the alarm turned off because we don't need it, won't use it, and I did not want to have to deal with beeps and low batteries.


I was told it was turned off. I figured it was all done as the doors do not chime or anything.


So I go downstairs to take the batteries out of the motion dector. That changes it from a once a minute beep to a contant loud beep coming from the DISARMED control pad. Lovely. We have no information, no code, nothing. I call the property manager. He has nothing. He says call ADT and they should help you. Well they won't without the code, because they are still monitoring the system. What does that mean? Does that mean they are still paying the ADT people?


How do I get the entire thing turned off? I think we were just lucky that it started at 7:30 am not 3:30 am!

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I would first try changing the batteries. Our rental house is equipped with fire alarms that are wired to the main board but also run on batteries. If you pull the batteries out it will still beep to say batteries are dead. After putting in fresh batteries we had to hold the button down for a good 30 sec. before it reset and stopped the beeping.


I would also recall the property manager, this is his job. Tell him the beeping needs to stop ASAP.

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Well we got it to stop. The property manager got ahold of the owner. The PM was annoyed too because he totally understood that we wanted it completely turned off to avoid these issues. He was also told it was off, so they never gave him the code either.


The owners are now paying for ADT to come out and dis arm the thing on Monday.


I guess I should not be surprised. These are the same people that paid for our utilities and cable for over two weeks because they hadn't gotten around to change things over. They didn't forward their mail till two weeks after they got to their duty station (they bought a house so they already had an address). And the house was filthy. The walls were fuzzy with dust. I pulled strips of dust off the tops of curtains. It looked like dryer lint. There are stickers and band aid (unused, the little girl used them for tape) stuck to walls, carpets, hardwood, tiles, everything. They left behind a couple hundred dollars worth of cleaning supplies I had to get rid of. And a refridgerator full of expired condiments (do you know how long it takes ketchup to expire?). Not to mention a week before they left they had a 4th of July BBQ. They left all the juice boxes tossed in the yard and the flower garden. Oh and I spent over three hours weeding two garden beds around a deck.


And the amazing thing of it all? She works with my husband. There are only 6 of them in the entire AF. I would be mortified to leave a house in this condition to anyone, but to someone I work with? I could not imagine!


Okay, rant over. I guess I'm still a little annoyed! LOL!

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