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DD hurt appendectomy site - should I worry?

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DD had an appendectomy early September and was released from the hospital four weeks ago, yesterday. (The appendix ruptured on removal so we were in the hospital for five days. She had follow up antibiotics for the next 10 days due to infection). One week ago today, she had her surgery follow up and the doctor said that everything was healing fine and she could resume activities depending on how she felt. The surgery was laparoscopic (sp?) so the stitches are tiny but most have come out. She has been lightly participating in cheer, dance and karate.


Tonight, she was at karate and they practiced kicks to the stomach. Prior to the pairing up, Sensei reminded the class that DD had just had surgery and to NOT kick close to her stomach at all. One of the newer students apparently wasn't paying attention (that's the only thing I can think of). He kicked her directly in the stomach and she fell to the ground (she's also very small for her age so he outweighs her a good deal though she is older). She sat out for the rest of the class (it was almost finished but I wasn't there or we would have left immediately). (Sensei addressed the situation appropriately but it's not relevant at the moment).


She's very sore and some of the stitches did tear (or where they were, I'm not sure). It's not bleeding, but you can tell the skin is a bit 'raw'. (I can't think of the word - it's what skin would look like if it was about to bleed, but wasn't). She took a shower but said that the water was stinging the site. There's a bump right below her belly button that wasn't there before, but it looks like where some stitches might have split and formed a 'ridge' of sorts. The whole belly button area looks reddened (but not badly).


I'll put a call into her doctor tomorrow, but I'm hoping for some reassurance that it's had time to heal and she hasn't damaged it. It doesn't look alarming although it's apparent that the site has been hurt.



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