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OK. My oldest son is 8 (9 in 2 weeks). He finished 3rd grade in ps. He made great grades...I'm just not sure how much he REALLY learned.


His biggest struggle is writing. I was going to follow WTM by the book. Being his (and my) 1st year homeschooling, should I start with FLL3? In addition, I was thinking about getting the Writing With Ease text. I see 2 workbooks go with this text. Do I start with the 1st?


I also have a 6 year old son. I looked at FLL, but GWG really appeals to me. GWG has a workbook and FLL is primarily oral. So, if I start him on GWG, could he start WWE at the same time as my older son?


Do I need both boys in the same program? If I went with GWG for both boys, could I still use WWE? Is there another writing program that is REALLY good? WTM suggests R&S Beginning Wisely. Any thoughts on comparing the 2?


I think it would be easier on me if both boys were in the same program. I also think it would be easier if someone would just tell me what to do!!! I had no idea picking the programs would be this difficult.


Trying not to get stressed out before I even begin,


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Well WWE just came out and I just got my copy so I'll try to answer a few questions.

Yes you would use GWG with WWE. GWG doesn't have much in the way of writing. WWE is strictly writing not grammar. As for where to start the WWE text has a way to place your child. The 2 workbooks correspond with years 1 and 2 in the WWE text, but you don't have to have them in order for the program to work. Basically the text will give you the copywork/dictation/narration for the first week of a section and then you follow the pattern for the next few weeks using your own selections from things they are using in science, history, or literature. The workbooks just make it easier in that they give you all the passages for copywork/narration/dictation so you don't have to find and use your own. My ds just turned 9 in May and has very little writing (I didn't read WTM right away when we started hsing 2 years ago) so the placement pages in WWE had me give him the year 1 eval week items to do, he did ok so I was supposed to give him the year 2 eval week items to do. I knew he wouldn't be able to do them all without a lot of trouble (he's not a great speller and has never done dictation) so I'm starting him with year 2 of WWE.


As for your younger yes you could absolutely use the same programs for both boys. If you use GWG for the older I'd start him with the grade he would be going into in PS, they do a good job of going over things and reviewing in my opinion. Also you could use WWE for both at the same time, just use the levels they need.


I use many programs with my kids that are the same even though they are not in the same level. Usually I get one started by presenting the lesson, while the other works on something they don't need me for then when the first understands they can move on to independent work while I repeat the process of presenting the lesson with the next. It really doesn't take that much time.



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Choosing program scan be hard.;) But, it is so worthwhile when you find something that fits both you (how you want to teach) and your child. WWE would be a good choice for you 6yo and would probably work for your older. It would depend on how the placement test went. There is no workbook for level 3 and 4 in WWE, so you'd have to find some of your own material as outlined in the book (sentences to copy or dictate).

Another option for you 8yo. is Writing Tales. Many people here have used it and liked it. It combines grammar and writing and I understand that it is fairly easy to use. In WT they write from example and then modify it in the 2nd week. It's not really creative writing because you're not thinking up your own story out of the blue.


I'm sure that you'll find the programs that will help you teach your children well. :)



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