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Random questions that have been bugging me

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EDIT: I have to mention there is a Downton Abbey spoiler in this thread. I didn't even think about it when I posted. Sorry!


1. Do you know who Major Tom is? Would parents who are reading picture books to their kids know who Major Tom is? (I'm assuming here that parents with dc young enough to have picture books read to them are likely a bit younger than I am.) I was reading a Skippyjon Jones book to dd. It's about a Siamese cat that thinks he's a chihuahua. He has an adventure where he travels to Mars. When he's done his mother refers to him as Major Tom. *I* know the reference, but I'm *that* old. Dh thinks it's one of those things meant to relate to the parents, like how some kids' movies will add things that only the parents get. (On a side note I'm reading Wonder Struck and it refers to Space Oddity. So this is the second time it's come up in as many months. Strange.)


Please indulge me. I must have answers so I can get on with my life! :tongue_smilie:


I know who Major Tom is. And so do all my kids (even the 3-year-old). ;)


Maybe that makes our family an oddity? :D

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