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Combining MUS Delta and Epsilon? Have you done this?


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I'm thinking about combining Delta and Epsilon for my ds11. I want him to be "on track" as he moves along and he's really only competent through multiplication. He is naturally math minded and does it in his head a lot and even does division in his head though he's never directly learned it. I've looked at moving him to Saxon and am shocked that in order to put him in a level that is thorough for him that I would probably need to buy Intermediate Math 3 and that is just sad. Right now, my thinking might be to combine Delta and Epsilon and then move onto Saxon next year after he has the division, fraction concepts under his belt. Saxon has many topics that we've not covered yet and that is making me a bit nervous as we want him to be well prepared. We've never worried about "grade levels", but now that he is 11, there is a certain pressure I am feeling to advance him better. Thoughts? I wouldn't mind hearing what you would do in my position. Thanks!

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When you say combine do you just mean to complete them in the same school year, or mixing the lessons?


I've not mixed lessons but dd14 easily went through 2 levels of MUS several years ago, and my very non-mathy dd13 is on track to go through two levels this year. There is A LOT of repetition in MUS that some dc just don't need so they can move through the practice much quicker than one page a day.


I know nothing of Saxon though, so I'm no help on that front.

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When you say combine do you just mean to complete them in the same school year, or mixing the lessons?


I've not mixed lessons but dd14 easily went through 2 levels of MUS several years ago, and my very non-mathy dd13 is on track to go through two levels this year. There is A LOT of repetition in MUS that some dc just don't need so they can move through the practice much quicker than one page a day.


I know nothing of Saxon though, so I'm no help on that front.



Agreeing. I have another child that used MUS all the way through Algebra I. She finished Gamma - Zeta in one year. She would watch the video & complete the first lesson. If she got a 100% on it she then would do the 1st review page the next day. If she got 100% on that, I'd let her take the test. It worked for her. However I have to add that this was going from Saxon 65/Singapore 4 to MUS, so a lot of the material was review.

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Ds is doing delta right now and I do similar to the pp. I require him to do at least 2 review pages from each lesson though because he has a hard time with rote memorization so it helps to keep using his math facts in the review problems.


We're only 3 weeks in but I'm pretty sure we could do delta and epsilon this year if we wanted. Instead we're slowing MUS down by supplementing with Beast Academy.

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