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School prep day tomorrow!!


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I am very overwhelmed! We start CC on Tuesday. I am trying to get us ready to start school on Wednesday (at least all things memory work related....we're easing into the other subjects and closing out some stuff from this past year). I have our tri-fold board to put together and I have to add papers to their binders and make extra copies of a bunch of stuff. I have to type out science and history assignments and make timeline copywork. I have to review what else we need to finish up in the other subjects. And I'm sure there are several other odds and ends on my list that I won't bore you with.


Today I was supposed to clean up our schoolroom, craft/music room, and rec room (where my preschoolers play) which is a total wreck but somehow grocery shopping and laundry took ALL DAY since we came back from vacation yesterday. My husband is supposed to watch the kiddos tomorrow so I can focus. I hope all goes well. I'm disappointed we're not starting every subject this week and will have a hard time emotionally starting the year off wrong if we can't get going on Wednesday.


I'm trying to give myself grace as I am going to the doctor Wed. to check on the baby b/c I may have had an incomplete miscarriage on vacation and my son has been very sick with stomach issues this week. But I'm sure most of you know how we like to be "ready to go" by our planned start date!


Just sharin'.....

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I have been trying for the last two weeks to get some major stuff done. I got a lot done but not anywhere near what is necessary to start school tomorrow. Well over the last few days there have been cracks in my nuclear reactor but it was yesterday that there was a meltdown. I tell you I was Chernobyl. After that, I have been better. I realize that I am just going to have to function within the parameters given me and trudge through.

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