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Anyone that has used or is using Horizons math 6.....


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Ds just started the PreAlgebra book. The first 10 lessons are strictly review, but ds is coming from TT7 and apparently didn't get adding and subtracting negative numbers. Horizons PA tells them how to do it, but doesn't show why. QUOTE from lesson 3:


When adding two numbers with opposite signs, ignore the signs and subtract the smaller number from the larger number. Keep the sign of the larger number as the sign in the answer.


Now, as I said, this is supposed to be review so I am assuming that this was presented in level 6. How was it presented? Did they teach why?


We stopped that day and I used a number line to demonstrate why and then I gave him some extra problems so that I knew he had it. I think that since this was presented at the end of TT7, he didn't get enough practice to cement it for him. Or, since he scored my required percentage for the TT lessons, he missed the problems on this topic but did well on others and therefore I never checked to see what problems he didn't "get. " My fault, but just confirms my decision to switch to something on paper that I have to grade. Now, I KNOW what concepts they are struggling with.


I have looked ahead and there are plenty of problems in future lessons to practice this and I think the explanations of most things are adequate. I was just wondering how this particular concept was presented in lower levels.

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