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swings on blood pressure medicine?

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I don't know who else to ask and my dad won't call his doctor.


He started a very low dose of blood pressure medicine (10 mg) this past week. Since starting his blood pressure had been good. But on Sunday he felt bad and the pressure was low--100/50.


Then on Monday it was running high. He did take the medication.


Is this normal adjustment? I wish he would call his doctor.

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How is he taking his blood pressure? With the same machine every time? Is the cuff the right size? 100/50 is not really that low but if his body is accustomed to a high pressure it may take him a little while to adjust. What was his pressure on Monday? What medication is he taking?

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It completely depends on what he's taking. 10mg of one drug can be the equivalent of TWICE the dosage of another!


Hubby's been on BP meds for a couple of years now. Getting dosages regulated is tricky business. PLEASE encourage him to call his doc! Major "swings" from highs to lows is NOT good for the heart muscle.


Depending on the medication, it can take up to 14 days of continuous medication to get it regulated, but please stay on top of it. Most docs will ask you to keep a bp log at home (2 - 3 times a day = morning, afternoon, evening readings) to see if any other factors may be increasing it.


Hope you're able to get it regulated quickly. I know what my hubby feels like when his is off. Not fun :crying:


Hoping for the best for your dad!

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