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Classical Conversations History and Science Cards


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Yes, they can easily be used by anyone, whether you're involved in CC or not.


Here are a few ideas for history card uses:



  • Pictorial timeline - hang on wall as you study them or put them in a binder to browse through. The back of each card has a short synopsis of the event/person. Each card includes a date and a small map so you can see where in the world it took place.
  • Memorization - CC families memorize the titles on each card. We'll use their new song which also includes the dates of some of the major events. If you're not in CC, you can still choose to memorize all the cards -- or pick the cards that you want to focus on for the history cycle you're doing.
  • Writing resource - We will use these cards for basic source information when my kids write a research report.
  • History supplement - As you're reading through history, pull out the history cards that go along with your topic. Read the card and look at the picture together. It's a great way to review.

Science - Use the science cards in a similar way! Kids can memorize the info on the backs, use them for writing resources, or as a supplement to your science program. The whole collection makes a great pictorial science resource for kids, and it touches on lots of basic facts that are good for kids to know.

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I can't speak for the science cards, but the history cards are very general about creation and other stories from the Bible. There is no date given for Creation. The first three cards are "Age of Ancient Empires" which marks the beginning of the first set of cards for Ancient History. The dates on that card just say "Creation-c. 450 AD. The second card is "Creation and the Fall" and there is no date. The back only gives an overview of the story in Genesis and on the timeline there's an arrow that points to indicate that it happened before the timeline begins. The third card is "The Flood and Tower of Babel," and it too has no date and an arrow to indicate that it happened before the timeline begins. The next card is "Mesopotamia and Sumer," and the dates are c.3500 BC, c. 2800 BC. Everything after that is recorded history and has nothing to do with the creation of the world. In my humble opinion, since it gives no opinion about WHEN the world was made, is that it can be used by both those who believe in young earth and old earth.

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Sorry! I did not know what YEC meant. Still don't, but I assume that it is young earth something. :D


I own the Ecology/Astronomy Physics set. I'm looking through them now . . . It does not appear that any young earth OR old earth views are presented on the cards. They stick to more basic facts. Here are a couple of examples:


The card entitles "The Planets: The Eight Largest Masses that Orbit the Sun" - It has a very nice photo of all of the planets on the front. The back has a box intended for memory work, which lists the 8 planets. The rest of the card has an overview/summary about planets in general. It discusses the inner planets, the outer planets, and the asteroid belt. It also explains that Pluto was considered a planet until 2006. It defines a planet as, "a celestial body that 1) orbits the sun, 2) has sufficient mass to result in a nearly round shape, and 3) has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit, making it the only significant body in its orbit other than those that are influenced by its gravity."


The solar system card discusses different things present in our solar system, such as asteroids, meteoroids, comets, etc. Again, no young earth/ old earth info.


IMO, these cards would best for kids 7th grade and under.

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I just received my order in the mail yesterday, and am so glad I decided to go ahead and purchase these! The shipping was super-fast, I ordered them on Wed. and received them on Fri.! At first I thought the price seemed a bit too high, but when I saw them in person, the quality and content can't be beat. Worth every penny! I will definitely be ordering more. :)

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I'm impressed you got them so quickly. I ordered last weekend and won't get the box until next Wed. Not much about this company has impressed me in the slightest. It's been one frustration after another since we decided to do CC this year.


I am glad to hear you like the quality. I'm looking forward to seeing them for myself.


I have had a lot of frustrations with CC this year too. My family and I enjoy the program itself but there have been a lot of customer service issues that I am not happy with. It takes forever to get items from them and getting registered for CC Connected has been a nightmare for me this year. I think it is because they grew much faster than they expected so I am trying to be patient. Plus I live in Hawaii so everything takes extra long to get here.

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