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So I ran out of dishwasher detergent...

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and google searched an emergency replacement so I wouldn't have to run to the store last night. My replacement did a fine job and now I am wondering if I couldn't just keep using it.


I used two (ONLY two!!!) drops of liquid dishwashing soap and tossed about half a cup of baking soda into the bottom of the dishwasher. The dishes look great!


Any reason I couldn't continue to use it? I have a HUGE bag of baking soda.

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Someone here (I can't recall who, though) once expressed the concern that even a small amount of suds might put an unsafe amount of pressure on the hose connections, and you might risk flooding out your kitchen if a hose goes. I have no idea if that's valid or not, but I've been terrified to try it ever since. Also, even homemade dishwasher methods only work once or twice for me, and then the dishes get grimier and grimier. Even the Seventh Generation and Ecover ones don't work for more than one wash or two.


Those are my .02. I hope you do find something that works for you though!

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Someone here (I can't recall who, though) once expressed the concern that even a small amount of suds might put an unsafe amount of pressure on the hose connections, and you might risk flooding out your kitchen if a hose goes. I have no idea if that's valid or not, but I've been terrified to try it ever since. Also, even homemade dishwasher methods only work once or twice for me, and then the dishes get grimier and grimier. Even the Seventh Generation and Ecover ones don't work for more than one wash or two.


Those are my .02. I hope you do find something that works for you though!


Oh, I never thought about pressure on the hoses! I did read that the purpose of the baking soda, at least in part, is to dampen the suds factor of the dish soap.


I suppose I'll have to keep this remedy strictly for back-up use. Much as I'd enjoy being "forced" to get a new dishwasher because the old hoses gave way, I don't want an indoor flood! Plus it's just not in the budget right now.

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