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What does it mean to be 'gifted' and how can I teach her without cheating her?

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Hi all. I have never posted on this particular section of the board before.


This is our first year as a homeschooling family. My DD9 was tested and recommended as VSN for the AG programs at 2 separate schools in 2 separate states per the teacher recommendations. I have never quite understood what exactly this means in terms of how her brain works. To me, I've always known that she was 'smart' but I thought that AG was the PS's way of saying 'These kids actually want to learn so lets teach them something separately once a week.' I have never understood if it actually means anything significant. That probably sounds terrible, huh?


Now that I will be her teacher, I am terrified that I will mess her up somehow. I don't want to hold her back by not giving her enough credit. So what exactly does AG mean for our homeschool? Should I approach her instruction/curriculum any differently?


Thanks for your help! :)

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