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home school legal question

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I am posting because I am worried about my brother/SIL. I am actually having a party tonight so won't be online much of today but hope to come back in a bit and read replies.


My brother and SIL are disorganized individuals in most areas of life (cooking, cleaning, etc). They love their kids, but it probably wouldn't take much for their "disorganized" behavior to appear like neglect. (This is as nice as I can put things).


They had a huge disagreement with the school system towards the end of last year and decided to home school their kids (11th and 10th grade) this year. Part of the problem is that the 10th grader reads on a 1-2 grade level. My brother and SIL have refused offers to test and have moved my nephew out of remedial reading classes into regular classes when the school has tried to help him.


They withdrew their kids over the summer but didn't fill out the paperwork correctly which led to the kids still being enrolled in public school (schedules and all). They tried to enroll in a home school cover group (one of the stricter ones) but they haven't finished their paperwork correctly there either so they are not enrolled in a cover group at this time.


They have not started home schooling yet so have no paperwork. I don't think they have ordered curriculum yet (although they planned to do some classes through a co-op with the home school). They must have curriculum and lesson plans approved before they can be enrolled in the home school.


Public school started this past Monday. Today marks their 5th day of non-attendance. They have already received one warning from the school. My mother (who is a school employee) has received a phone call asking her to let them know there is big trouble coming if they don't enroll the kids somewhere.


We live in Alabama and have fairly relaxed home school rules (we have to keep attendance) but very strict truancy rules. My Brother/SIL seem unconcerned and are annoyed that the school keeps bothering them. My association with the district has been relaxed in the area of homechooling but I know they are murder on the subject of truancy.


If they somehow manage to get their home school paperwork through, does the truancy issue go away? And how much longer can they go before the district takes this further? I'm starting to panic for them (for many reasons) but am trying to stay out of it (after sharing my concerns twice).

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When I pulled my daughter from school, it was the Friday before Thanksgiving week where they were out for a week. She was due back at the alternative school that Monday but I had already filled out all the paperwork correctly with my umbrella school so we were just waiting for the paperwork to go thru the middle school and then I picked up my records for my child at the middle school she was attending.


But, the principal did call on the Wednesday after Thanksgiving to inquire where my child was at and I informed her that I had enrolled in an umbrella school and was waiting on the appropriate paperwork and that was that, no problems afterward.

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I would imagine if it is a technicality they would just need to contact the district and correct the papers while keeping attendance at home. Im sure it would reverse since your SIL would have her attendance records as required. I put a couple links I found that may be helpful to you...there is one that has lots of local links...maybe she could call and get advice from one of those in her area?








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