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Sharing my son's most recent poem

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I think it sounds sort of Dr. Seuss meets Edward Lear and Lewis Carroll


The Bend in the Road

By Nathan


There is a bend, a bend in the Road

That I’ve never looked ‘round,

And where wonders abound.

But if I should peak ‘round

That bend in the road

Then what would I see? I wonder?

For what would my wondering eyes behold

If ere I peaked ‘round

That bend in the Road?

That Road, that Road,

That bend in the Road,

Oh what lies beyond

That bend in the Road?


Perhaps it’s a land

In which riches abound!

With diamonds and rubies,

And hundreds of crowns

Worth of great shiny stuff,

And silver and gold,

Oh what a grand sight for my eyes to behold!

And if I’m told right,

Then their ruler’s a Sight!

For the King is the Fool,

And the Fool is the King,

And the Queen, she does naught

But smoke and play Pool!


And as for Zoology, don’t even ask!

To explain would be

A most arduous task.

For hear me now,

And I’ll let you know

About all the strange creatures

That call this place Home:

There’s the Giddy Galump,

Who has a sharp lump

On the back of his back,

And the Crack of his pack,

For he carries a pack

Full of useless old stuff


Which he uses to try

And catch the Scrumply Staigh,

A most nimble bird,

He’s quick and he’s spry!

But the Old Galump,

He’s vulpine and Sly!

While the Smeezickle Sneezer

Stays snug, warm, and dry

In the dusty old den

That he calls his own home.

And every day he has breakfast in bed,

And drinks some good Brine

Mixed with Halibut’s Head!


Now for Geography, the study of land,

There’s a desert out East

Full of Stones and with Sand,

While down South the land’s flat,

But it’s infested with rats,

Now just think of that!

Way out West by East West

There rises a hill,

Beyond which you see

A town with a mill.

And dozens of Pigs

call the North their state,

They’ve got it fenced off

By a fence with no gate.


We’ve come a long way

Since that bend I the Road,

I’ll be seeing you later,

For I’ve got to pack

My trunk and my Sack,

And shove it all on my back,

For now I must say to you,

Au Revoir, Una Mi,

Adventure awaits, both for you, and for me.

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