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resources on APD

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My son was recently diagnosed by a psych for ADD and Childhood Anxiety Disorder. I have also thought for a while now that we may have some AP issues going on. The psych agrees, but she of course can't test for that as she is not a NP. I am looking into getting him evaluated somewhere. There is only one NP in our area covered by DS's insurance and well, he doesn't get great reviews. (some suit even filed against him for fraud) I am going to look into our school system to see if that is an option. Why does it have to be so hard to get help!? :banghead:


So... until I can get him evaluated, I would like to learn all I can. Do you have any great books/websites to recommend? DS does have an appt with her next week for play therapy for his CAD. I will ask her about books then, but I really wanted the opinion and recommendations of the hive. Those that have BTDT. :001_smile:

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I didn't think that NPs test for it either. They are more "umbrella" professionals, and would refer out to more specific specialists for certain issues outside of their expertise. Has your ds already had IQ testing?


My understanding was that very particular (i.e., hard to find) audiologists test for APD, as there is disagreement and controversy (and lack of information) associated with APD amongst audiologists. For example, I know that this place tests for it (more than an hour from where we live), but our school audiologist is basically clueless.


There might be a few tests that SLPs do that may provide a few clues to auditory processing. For example, the TAPS has subsections for auditory reasoning and auditory comprehension (I remember this only because those are the ones that two of my kids have weaknesses on). However, those things may be unrelated to auditory processing; I don't know.


Did the psych suggest anything else, such as a language processing evaluation with an SLP?


Alternatively, we went to an OT place that did listening therapy in conjunction, and did include a short auditory processing-related test, though it wasn't full-blown and in-depth as the audiologist would do.


eta, this thread might help s/o Who Diagnoses What? (question about dyslexia, auditory processing and more)


another site for you http://www.ablekidsfoundation.org/

Edited by wapiti
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No he has not had IQ testing? Where is the best direction to go for that? I am so new to all of this. :confused:


I will ask about the evaluation by an SLP. I did find an audiologist through the University of Florida (about 45 minutes from us) that does APD testing. I really need to find the best route to take in all this as we are paying for all of this out of pocket.

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No he has not had IQ testing? Where is the best direction to go for that?


an ed psych or neuropsych (there are phds and there are MDs; our psych has a PhD and has been called a neuropsych, but she advertises herself as a psychologist)


I'm quite surprised and disappointed that your psych did not do IQ testing before diagnosing the ADD. I would be reluctant to accept such a diagnosis without IQ and achievment testing to rule out other possible LDs. A lot of other issues have symptoms that overlap with ADD.


To find someone, you can call the neuropsych department at your local university. (Also, around here, the psychs who test for giftedness also tend to be experienced at testing for LDs; you can find a list by state on Hoagies or check the websites of any gifted schools in your area under their admissions tab for their list of approved testers.) Another alternative might be googling for psychs who do dyslexia testing.

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an ed psych or neuropsych (there are phds and there are MDs; our psych has a PhD and has been called a neuropsych, but she advertises herself as a psychologist)


I'm quite surprised and disappointed that your psych did not do IQ testing before diagnosing the ADD. I would be reluctant to accept such a diagnosis without IQ and achievment testing to rule out other possible LDs. A lot of other issues have symptoms that overlap with ADD.


To find someone, you can call the neuropsych department at your local university. (Also, around here, the psychs who test for giftedness also tend to be experienced at testing for LDs; you can find a list by state on Hoagies or check the websites of any gifted schools in your area under their admissions tab for their list of approved testers.) Another alternative might be googling for psychs who do dyslexia testing.


I will be asking her at our next appt about the IQ testing. She did have me bring in tons of his work and examples of stuff he reads. They also administered the IVA (Integrated Visual and Auditory Performance) computerized test, which he bombed.

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