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Heart of Dakota Bigger Hearts extension ?


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I asked this question over on the HOD board, but thought I'd ask here, too, since this board seems more active.


I'm setting up school for this coming year and I have a question about Bigger Extensions. Do you use the suggested activities (oral and written narrations) for the history read-alouds and the science or both? What I mean is on any given day do you have your child narrate on both history and science or do you just pick one? Thanks in advance. icon_biggrin.gif


Any other advice for using the extensions would be appreciated. I saw some notebook pages someone had made over on the HOD board for Bigger extensions and used their ideas to make my own. I can't find them again so I can't give credit, but I think they are going to be helpful for keeping us on track.

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I asked this question over on the HOD board, but thought I'd ask here, too, since this board seems more active.


I'm setting up school for this coming year and I have a question about Bigger Extensions. Do you use the suggested activities (oral and written narrations) for the history read-alouds and the science or both? What I mean is on any given day do you have your child narrate on both history and science or do you just pick one? Thanks in advance. icon_biggrin.gif

To be honest, there isn't a lot of direction on how to do the extensions beyond the few suggestions before the reading schedule for them. I purchased CLP's answer key and tests to go with the Child's Story of America text. I always had 4 children schooling so adding more time and more narration just didn't always happen with our day. I went to having them do little reports on the books. I would print out free book reviews or such that I found free online in respect to each book.

I only did the extensions 2x. Once with BHFHG and once with CTC. Both times, I did not feel that it actually upped our grade level. It just gave us more books to read. This is just my opinion though.

Any other advice for using the extensions would be appreciated. I saw some notebook pages someone had made over on the HOD board for Bigger extensions and used their ideas to make my own. I can't find them again so I can't give credit, but I think they are going to be helpful for keeping us on track.


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