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Classical Converstions

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Hi I am new to CC My 4 Children will all be in Foundations and my 2 older ones also in Essentials. Any suggestions on what I need to do to prepare for the upcoming year? I have bought all the books, flashcards and cds but I am not sure how to start organizing or setting our area up so we can be prepared for the year.

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I am starting CC with my dd7 this year too. I have been playing the disc with the memory song in the car. Dd7 claimed the tin whistle as soon as it came in and is already working on learning to play the songs in the book. (She already knows how to play the recorder.)

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Foundations is super easy! I tutored foundations the last two year, and my kids have been in it that long as well (dd moves to challenge this year, yikes).


We have new timeline cards this year, so there are more choices for organizing since these are prelaminated, whoo hoo! I have all of my cards in page protectors and in small binders for easy access. I can easily tack them on my wall or a white board to work on memorizing them.


If you got the memory cards the easiest thing I have found is to put them on a large ring. You can toos them in the car for reiview while waiting for sibs activities to end.


CDs can be put on your iwhatever to review too. Those songs are on the website too if can pull that up on your device.


Essentials is different than when my dd was in it, but it is supposed to be much less work in the organizing department. Your Essentials director should have a meeting prior to the start of CC to get you up to speed on what will go on. Essentials moves very fast, so it is wise to be prepared before the year starts unlike foundations which is much easier to manage time wise.


Having 4 kids in foundations you will learn many ways to present the info., so do not worry about being prepared before class starts. They learn the memory work in class, and then you solidify that all week, so you do not need to know the material or even look at it prior to class. That is nice, be ause Essientials will take up a good bit of time tha thou have scheduled for CC related activities.


Have fun! My kids love it, and my dd is excited to move on to Challenge this year, and she knows she will be prepared thanks to Foundations.

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Yes to all the above. I'd also add that I wouldnt get a jump on the memory work. If you come to class already knowing the material there can be a bit of a boredom factor. Or kids will actually say "I already know this" (sassy tone) or "that's not how we sang it at home!!!". :001_rolleyes:

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