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Online advertising for a yardsale....

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I put an ad in our local paper today, it will run in the edition that comes out Wednesday night. I also found out that I could post an ad on Craigslist...should I put the ad up now or wait until Wednesday, being as it would have to have my address on it? Also, anywhere ELSE to advertise online?

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Hmm. I don't know how many people Twitter here, and I have it so I'm anonymous on there (would blow my cover if I posted my address LOL) and I don't do Facebook, but those are good ideas.


I know we have a local swap page-thingy for Facebook, I don't know if they allow yard sale postings. I'll ask my friend who uses it. If they do, I'll set up a throw away account and advertise on it :) It would be awesome to upload some pictures, a lot of my stuff is not typical yard sale fodder.

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