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Have you ever been glad you didn't toss/sell that seemingly unworkable curriculum??


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For us, it's been IEW. I first bought it when my dc were in 4th and 3rd grade and it just didn't seem to work for them (or for me). What an expensive, embarassing waste I thought at the time. Maybe I should just turn around and resell it, even at a loss?!!


Well, we kept it and now I am so glad. My dc have just finished 6th and 5th grade and we are using it for some much needed writing workshops this summer, and 'I get it' now, and so do they! It is a tool that is presently working wonders in our homeschool!!! In addition, we didn't use WWE as much as I could have in the earlier grades, but we are using WWS now this summer (as well) and it is all coming together. I just needed my kids to be a bit older to be ready for all this writing.


Perhaps there are others out there that are so glad they didn't sell/get rid of curriculum that they didn't think was a good fit at the time, but that actually just needed to 'ripen' a bit in order to be a good fit for all!


I just wanted to encourage others to hold off (perhaps) on selling certain items until you know your family has outgrown them, as you never know when you might change your mind and wish you still had that curriculum item still hanging around!!!





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Some of the curriculum I bought for dd1 based on the student I wanted her to be, which she wasn't, has been perfect for my dd2. What a relief! And a good lesson for me, to look harder at my "students" than I do at my idealism.


With a 5-year spread in ages, I bet you had to hold on to that 'other' curriculum for a few years while you were waiting to try it out on dd #2. I'm glad it worked out for you (both :grouphug:)!

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(Actually if you bought IEW directly (not used), they have a lifetime guarantee, very generous!)


For me, it depends on why the curriculum was unusable. If it just didn't seem to match for my oldest and I kept it, I have found a few of those worked for my youngest. If it didn't work for me--I can't think of any that didn't work for me that I wish I had kept.


Merry :-)

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Yes, Mystery of History. When I bought it many years ago I thought the readings were too much for my intended child (lower elementary)but the work was more busy work then I wanted so I shelved it. This year I pulled it off the shelf and looked at it for my ds (high school) and loved what I saw. Glad I saved it. Ds loved it. Turned out it was a great curriculum I just did not have a clear picture.

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With a 5-year spread in ages, I bet you had to hold on to that 'other' curriculum for a few years while you were waiting to try it out on dd #2. I'm glad it worked out for you (both :grouphug:)!


Well, interestingly, it's been the upper-level stuff that's made the difference. Art of Argument would be one example. DD2 is just more goal-oriented than dd1 ever was (or is even now), so the things I thought I'd use in later high school with dd1 are working now (8th/9th grade hybrid) for dd2. just a little while after I tried with dd1. They are 4.5 years apart in age but worlds apart in ambition.


I used much different things with dd2 in the younger years, because more was available, I knew more, she's just different. But I've kept a lot of it to use with dd3, who is just about to turn 3 so won't even be starting anything until next summer, probably. Now there's SO MUCH MORE, my head is already spinning!:willy_nilly: Maybe I had another child just to get homeschooling "right!" :lol:

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