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Visualize World Geography

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Has anyone used this? My kids are mostly right brained learners. I am thinking of purchasing new if I can't find used. It is expensive though so any reviews from the hive first? I am looking at the DVD course and not just the book.


My kids do so great with putting pictures/stories to math facts. In fact, that's the only way my son learned his addition facts. I think this program would be perfect but lack of reviews scares me.



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Hey Sandy,


If you will drive yourself and your lovelies to my house, you can have my copy of the book! I would like it back eventually, to refresh their memories, but you are welcome to hang out with it for a good, long time. We used only the book with great success. I didn't even know there were DVDs, but you certainly do not need them to use the book. The only supplement to the book that I used were some blank maps that I printed off of the internet, because it was easier than photocopying those in the back of the book. I have the kids fill in the countries on there. VWG is a one trick pony, but it is quite a trick. Even I, though I play fast-and-loose with the curriculum budget (note that I say that like there is a curriculum budget), would hesitate to buy the DVD portion of the curriculum.


If you want it, let me know when you'll be over!


(And in case anyone else is reading this, Sandy and I do know each other in real life).



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Hey Teri,


Did you have good success with it? Do your kids know all of the countries? I was thinking I needed the dvd's for the visual aspect. I can find the book itself rather cheaply. I wouldn't want to borrow yours for fear Matthew might get a hold of it. lol He is a train wreck!


We need to get together soon. Sam and Chris have been spending a lot of time at grandmother's house. Mom takes them whenever she goes to see her. They love it just as much as I did as a kid. I am so happy the kids get to spend time with her. How cool is it that they will remember their great grandmother! I have the best memories of that time in my life.



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I have the DVDs for VWG. I agree with the one trick pony description. My girls now know all the countries in every continent, except Africa (only because they haven't watched that DVD yet). We are part of a memory work co-op and my girls wow'ed the other families so much that several moms decided to buy the program.


I had a friend who had only the book and couldn't figure out how to implement it with just the book. I'm glad that I got the DVDs. There's no ways I could have delivered all the puns. The DVDs also have "social studies" videos for each country with info that you won't find in the book: landmarks, capital city, languages, culture, etc.


I think the DVDs are extremely expensive, but my DH is very generous with our homeschool funds. If you can afford it, and want your kids to know all the countries in the world, VWG will do the trick.

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