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RS4K Chem vs CKE Chem - what's the diff? Which is better?


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Hi all,


I'm already purchasing some of the RS4K stuff for 2009-2010 on sale. I liked what I saw in the samples, etc and will be giving it a try.




I also see the Christian Kids Explore has a Chemistry and Physics for the upper Elementary grades.


So, which is better?


Obviously CKE is a WHOLE lot cheaper, LOL. I'm a little put off on the price of RS4K, but getting it used isn't....too....bad. <cough>.


Like another poster, tho, I've bought "reasonable" before and regretted it...even the TOP 100 Picks have been real losers IMHO for most of them. I think the only thing that we did of the 100 Top Pics that was any good at all IMHO was the Wordsmith Apprentice.


Anyway, what are the big differences between the two publishers, other than price and textbook vs workbook style? (And colored images.) I'm talking content, of course. Which is easier to read, which has the better experiments. etc.



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Hi all,


I'm already purchasing some of the RS4K stuff for 2009-2010 on sale. I liked what I saw in the samples, etc and will be giving it a try.




I also see the Christian Kids Explore has a Chemistry and Physics for the upper Elementary grades.


So, which is better?


Obviously CKE is a WHOLE lot cheaper, LOL. I'm a little put off on the price of RS4K, but getting it used isn't....too....bad. <cough>.


Like another poster, tho, I've bought "reasonable" before and regretted it...even the TOP 100 Picks have been real losers IMHO for most of them. I think the only thing that we did of the 100 Top Pics that was any good at all IMHO was the Wordsmith Apprentice.


Anyway, what are the big differences between the two publishers, other than price and textbook vs workbook style? (And colored images.) I'm talking content, of course. Which is easier to read, which has the better experiments. etc.




Kim I will bump you up again.


I have used RS4K pre 1 Chemistry. The kids and I both liked it. I like the layout of the books, the use of color. I like the experiment books, how they make the child think. I like the looks of the new KOGS too. My complaints are that we can go through them pretty fast, and that it is expensive. (Sound familiar? ;) )


I haven't use CKE, but I would love to hear more about the content and layout from someone who has.



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I think the choice of program is dependent on the ages of your kids and if you want the program to last throughout the year.


We used RS4K Level 1 and I think it is suitable for kids in 4th-6th grades. There are only 10 chapters in each book - so unless you use two of their books or supplement with something else, you'll probably run out of material at the latest by mid year. CKEC (I don't have any experience with CKEP) is enough curriculum for the entire year and goes into much more detail (I think it is for kids in 4th-8th). I liked it, but I tried it when my kids were too young (2nd and 4th grades, I think?).


hope this helps a little,

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I think the choice of program is dependent on the ages of your kids and if you want the program to last throughout the year.


We used RS4K Level 1 and I think it is suitable for kids in 4th-6th grades. There are only 10 chapters in each book - so unless you use two of their books or supplement with something else, you'll probably run out of material at the latest by mid year. CKEC (I don't have any experience with CKEP) is enough curriculum for the entire year and goes into much more detail (I think it is for kids in 4th-8th). I liked it, but I tried it when my kids were too young (2nd and 4th grades, I think?).


hope this helps a little,




I am not to OP but I am desperate. :D (Ok I know it will work out but right now I am really confused). I am looking at something for my 5th grader to do independently.


So are you saying that the CKEC has more depth than the RS4K Chemistry 1? I know she is coming out with a second Chemistry 1 book, but it won't be out till next fall at the earliest, and I think we will beyond it by then...or maybe it is that I don't know what to do for the 2nd half of the year, LOL!


Actually right now I am thinking about a combo of Noeo Chemistry II and RS4K Chemistry 1 with a few KOGS (Language for vocab, Arts for my dd and Critical Thinking). Which will hopefully last us half a year. :001_huh: Then she could do Physics with both programs.


This girl wants to be a Zoologist. She wants to do science daily and have lots of experiments.


After that my brain just hurts. Some combo of Apologia, BJU or PHP Explorer (one as a lead and one audio for an additional perspective-and because we all love audios here).



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FYI, it's out there. She's supposed to have the BioII done sometime next year and I'm guessing Physics after that.




So are you folks saying that CKEC is more in depth than Chem II in RS4K? Or is it only that it lasts the entire year vs 10 weeks?


I'm wondering IMHO if I like the short duration better and being able to switch over to the other book --better than enduring Physics an entire year....

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FYI, it's out there. She's supposed to have the BioII done sometime next year and I'm guessing Physics after that.



So are you folks saying that CKEC is more in depth than Chem II in RS4K? Or is it only that it lasts the entire year vs 10 weeks?


I'm wondering IMHO if I like the short duration better and being able to switch over to the other book --better than enduring Physics an entire year....





I so want to just do RS4K. It just was such a long time in between the first 4 books and the last round that I am afraid that if I count on it...:001_huh:


Sandra referenced the level 1 books compared to CKEC, in just looking at the TOC for level 2 I would guess it is meatier than CKEC.


The single RS4K book I own was only about a 10 week course, and I suspect all the RS4K books are about that, unless you can add in the KOGS. Only the Language KOGS for level 1 physics is out right now.


Heather (Who has the TOC of 5 different programs sitting in front of her.)

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Hi Heather,

First I have to say I really appreciate the time you put into your posts (here and on the WP yahoo group)! :001_smile:


To answer your question, RS4K does a great job at teaching science, but I thought CKEC was more indepth just b/c it was longer and took more time with the topics. I really shouldn't have said anything b/c I don't have both in front of me to compare (I sold CKEC when it didn't work out for us.)


I do want to add that I think the RS4K labs are really great. The whole program is so easy to use and really covers so much in the 10 chapters it does. If you want something that lasts a semester, you could just use RS4K and spread each chapter out over two weeks and add in extra library books on the chapter topics. I don't know that a whole other program would be necessary.


I hope I didn't make a big mess by saying one program was more "in depth" than the other - that could be dangerous talk around here!!

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We are using both CKE and RS4K Level 1 next year for Biology. I will be using CKE Biology for the spine and using RS4K, among other things, as a supplement. I liked RS4k because the student text is awesome. Colorful and not overstimulating, it explains difficult science concepts in a way the kids can understand without talking down to them. Unfortunately, not only does the RS4K not cover a lot of biology topics IMHO, but you could easily finish it in a quarter or so as other posters have said. But at the same time I don't think the CKE goes into a lot of depth on it's own(the "teaching" pages are usually a paragraph or two). I think that CKE is a great spine because it gives you great jumping point and a lot of resources to explore things further, but also, if I don't have time to plan and science starts to fall by the wayside, if CKE was the only thing I did, it would be okay, kwim? Not to say though that if you got CKE that you would have to do a lot of planning to make it a good program. Am I making sense? Sometimes I ramble...


Anyhoo, I haven't really looked at the CKE Chemistry, so please keep in mind my point of reference is only for the biology. However, I have seen RS4K Chemistry Level 2 and it is quite thicker than level 1, I assume because it's meant for 7th-9th grade. Almost more like a "real" text.


I guess, you could just use both if you wanted too, or could afford it, but I think if I had to choose just the one it'd be CKE.

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I plan to skip Biology. If I have to grow another plant I'll scream. :)


We haven't tackled much of Chem and Physics lately, anyway, and I plan to do some more Astronomy (our real interest in life) and just slide into High School science ;).



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I hope I didn't make a big mess by saying one program was more "in depth" than the other - that could be dangerous talk around here!!




Ok that got a good chuckle out of me. :D


Well I sat down with my dd and had her look at the samples of all the programs, and hands down she loved RS4K.


Our new plan is:


Fall: Chemistry I with all 6 KOGS (12-18 weeks)

Human body study-don't know what with, but she hates it and has never covered it. Something light, just to touch on it. (4-6 weeks)

If Chemistry 1B is out then we will do with it and all the KOGS (Dr. Keller said it might be as early as spring of 2009 on her blog). (10-12 weeks)

If Chemistry 1B is not out then we will do Physics with my own additions, then do Chemistry 1B in the fall of 2009.


I love a plan!


You have been lots of help. I had to wrap my mind around it before I could let it go. :001_cool:



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I plan to skip Biology. If I have to grow another plant I'll scream. :)


We haven't tackled much of Chem and Physics lately, anyway, and I plan to do some more Astronomy (our real interest in life) and just slide into High School science ;).






Did you know that the extra resource lists for CKE is in the CKE yahoo group? (Which says it is Biology, but really covers all of them.) It sounds like you have made your choice, but in case there was any lingering ideas of doing a more living book based approach with CKE as the spine, I thought I would let you know.




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Our new plan is:


Fall: Chemistry I with all 6 KOGS (12-18 weeks)

Human body study-don't know what with, but she hates it and has never covered it. Something light, just to touch on it. (4-6 weeks)

If Chemistry 1B is out then we will do with it and all the KOGS (Dr. Keller said it might be as early as spring of 2009 on her blog). (10-12 weeks)

If Chemistry 1B is not out then we will do Physics with my own additions, then do Chemistry 1B in the fall of 2009.


I love a plan!



Yay! So glad you have a plan. It looks really good!!



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Great thread!

What is KOGS?






They are an add on workbook program made to go with RS4K. Eventually all levels will have 6 KOGS: Language, History, Technology, Philosophy, Critical Thinking and Art. The goal being to tie these subject into what is being studied, to give a deeper study and show practical application.


Right now only Chemistry I has all 6 KOGS published. The next level that will be fully published will be the new Chemistry 1B, which will be out with the text sometime between Spring and Fall of 2009. Language KOGS for Biology I and Physics I have also been released (according to her blog), but aren't on the website (I guess you would have to call).


If you go to the samples section there are samples of the KOGS for Chemistry 1.



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For all the comments. I saw some of the KOGS samples. I have so much language arts and history already bought/planned that I can't see adding the KOGS onto what I"m doing. Sniff. She'd hate me if I pile on any more, LOL.


I'm thinking I'll just do the Chem and Physics I and II for both over the next couple of years and use the following that someone in another thread pointed out. LOOKS FABULOUS!!!! Even as good as the RS4K, LOL. You have *got* to check this out::drool:




It has a lot of math which I think will be good for easing into High School science, IMHO. They have a music one, and the gal is taking piano. I might swing both eventually. Somehow. But definitely the Astronomy!


Best wishes,


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...if the RS4K doesn't pan out. Who knows, she can surprise me sometimes :001_huh:






Did you know that the extra resource lists for CKE is in the CKE yahoo group? (Which says it is Biology, but really covers all of them.) It sounds like you have made your choice, but in case there was any lingering ideas of doing a more living book based approach with CKE as the spine, I thought I would let you know.





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Well, we're doing God's Design Human body, which is tooo light IMHO but it might fit what you're looking for.


I'm sup'ing with AIMS From Head to Toe. - has graphing and simple math exercises. We're going to do a Science party with her friends to do some of the lab together so that she can research the charts/info from her friends later next year in school.


I'm also using MacMillan/McGraw-Hill's Inside the Human Body which would fit the bill for you, too. It is secular, but they don't preach humanism at you, at least. And it has enough to keep her busy for 4-6 weeks.


Just some suggestions.





Ok that got a good chuckle out of me. :D


Well I sat down with my dd and had her look at the samples of all the programs, and hands down she loved RS4K.


Our new plan is:


Fall: Chemistry I with all 6 KOGS (12-18 weeks)

Human body study-don't know what with, but she hates it and has never covered it. Something light, just to touch on it. (4-6 weeks)

If Chemistry 1B is out then we will do with it and all the KOGS (Dr. Keller said it might be as early as spring of 2009 on her blog). (10-12 weeks)

If Chemistry 1B is not out then we will do Physics with my own additions, then do Chemistry 1B in the fall of 2009.


I love a plan!


You have been lots of help. I had to wrap my mind around it before I could let it go. :001_cool:




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I just wanted to say thank you for everyone who has posted on this thread. My plans for science are not working out like I had hoped and it sounds like RS4K might be a good fit. I love the idea of the KOGS when my kids are a little older.



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